
Random mindlessness

I have so many things going on in my head right now. It's a lot of random.

1. I am in need of a pair of shoes that are flats, sandals, comfy and still cute. I am at my wit's end trying to find something that matches all of the criteria and when I think I've found something I like, I try it on and it looks ridiculous. So tell me, SAHMs, what kind of shoes do you wear most of the time?

2. Josie's diapers are... a disaster. Well, not the diapers necessarily, but the content. Every single diaper is #2 and it's not pretty. I cannot wait for her to get past this! We all had the flu early this week but she can't seem to get past this particular part of it. I'M READY. Let's move on!

3. This year I was lazy and didn't plant my tomatoes and peppers ahead of time inside like I had done the year before, even though I had everything to do it. I just ran out of time and decided to buy the plants instead of the seeds. Big mistake. $3.50 for one plant?? So I spent $40 on them instead of the $2 I would have spent if I would have planted them inside. Except I already spent that $2 so it was really like $42. FAIL.

4. I went to Old Navy and loaded up on maternity shirts and a dress. Who knew that this year Old Navy would get it together with the price/selection combo? I should be good for the summer now and that's most of my pregnancy. 

5. I went grocery shopping yesterday morning around 8:30 AM (I know, ambitious) and was completely blown away by the service I got while checking out. I waited about a minute before being suddenly whisked away to a new lane while the guy unloaded my cart for me (never happens), apologized at least 3 times, and then proceeded to run around to the other side and ring me up as fast as possible. I just thought it was so funny because if I had been there at 4-6 PM instead, that would have been the shortest wait in history and they wouldn't have thought twice about it, but because I was there in the morning, he didn't think I should have to wait at all. Note to self: always go in the morning! Not many other shoppers and the best service you could ask for. As I was leaving, he made sure to say goodbye to both Josie and myself and seemed quite sincere. Well done, Sunmart.

6. We're going to a wedding this weekend and staying at a hotel. This hotel doesn't offer continental breakfast which to me is the worst offense a hotel could do. I'm betting the pool doesn't open before 10 AM   either on Sunday, which does not scream 'FAMILY FRIENDLY' at all. How am I supposed to keep my child quiet if you don't have a place I can feed her or bring her where she can blow off steam? We're going to annoy everyone... 

7. All over my neighborhood, there are for-sale signs. It'd make me nervous normally, but the speed that they are getting "sold" is amazing and gives us a lot of hope for when we get to that point. Also, some of them are selling at a lot higher of prices than they were when we moved in. Praise the Lord for this - we'd love to get some money back on this lovely little investment called our starter home!

8. I drove around with Josie today to a park farther away from our house. I always knew it was there, but it's tucked back off the road so I could only see a part of it. It is really quite a gem and I cannot wait to bring her back and have a picnic back there. 

She sat on this step and played with the mulch more than anything else. Note to self: bring something to read because sometimes there's nothing I can do to get her to play with me.


  1. Ash @ The Pollock Potluck5/24/2012

    I live in my Rainbow flip flops. They take me from nursing on the bed to crawling on the playmat to out the door so easily. I don't even know where the rest of my shoes are! 

  2. Laurie5/24/2012

    Well, your mom has always been a cheap date, now your daughter requires only nature to be entertained, re: the rock pile from your back yard.  Very funny about grocery shopping in the a.m.

    Maybe for shoes, you can find the ballet slipper look with a good thick sole - they would be comfy and go with a lot of styles, allow for expanding feet but yes, they wouldn't be sandals.
