
Nine Months

Ok you got me. She turned 9 months old almost two weeks ago... better late than never!

There was no cooperation on the picture front. I got a lot of flipping, crying, and squirming and no good toothy grins. She makes the rules.

This month, Josie has shown us that she is silly and loves to laugh. She loves when we say "I'm gonna get you" and wants us to chase her all over the place. Grammy and Papa have figured this out too and she is thrilled any time any of us do it.

She had another ear infection and was diagnosed with Roseola. She made it through, but it was hard on us! At least she is a generally happy baby so it only brings her mood down a couple of notches.

She's started waking up at least two times every night, much to our dismay, and absolutely needs the pacifier to sleep soundly. I'm not sure what our plan is for ridding her of that at this point, but she has a couple of months left before I have to start some time of weaning process.

Jo still loves to eat almost everything, but there are a few things she hasn't been as excited about. She didn't love strawberries (shocking, I know) and no longer likes avocado (can't blame her there). She loves a ton of foods though and the list goes on an on. A few examples: any type of fish (tilapia, salmon, etc), pineapple, pickles, string cheese, cheddar cheese, bread, and carrots. She got a little burnt out on the cheerios and bananas so we're taking a break for a while. I don't want her to not like these easy simple foods so we'll give her a chance to like it again later.

She usually eats all three meals a day, two small snacks, and bottles before sleeping. I have no idea how much milk she is drinking but it's definitely less than it was before. She's growing a ton and definitely not lacking in that respect so we're not worried.

She is in the 75% for both height and weight. Staying right on track!

She loves loves loves chasing Buckley around, but he hates it. He is so afraid of getting in trouble! He looks at us like please no, please help. I can't say it enough how glad I am that he acts like this. It is so much better than the alternatives.

She's not quite walking, so that prediction wasn't right, but she is getting so close. I do think she is satisfied with crawling so although she has the ability to walk, she won't necessarily push it immediately. I am done trying to figure this girl out. :)

She had her first experience with grass since it's been such a nice spring. She immediately crawled on to my lap (which she never ever does) and cried when I put her back. I get that it is prickly, but I bet it's only a matter of time before she gets over that and wants to be outside all of the time.

Overall she's a happy baby that loves adventure and new things. She doesn't really seem to be afraid of other people and loves seeing Grandma when we go to daycare. She's still figuring out how to wave and isn't interested in clapping. But dancing? Oh this girl likes to dance! It makes my heart so happy - she is a joy!

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  1. Meghan Gibson4/13/2012

    Don't feel too bad, I still haven't posted Avery's 11 month post, and it is 1/2 written, and she will be 1 in less then 2 weeks! OOPS!
    And she loves the "I'm gonna get you" game too! Until she tries to run too fast, trips, and slams her head on the ground...it's all over after that.

  2. Laurie4/13/2012

    perfect synopsis of the the photo shoot - wiggling and trying to get away.  She's getting so big, such cute chubby little legs and what a mind of her own!  gotta video the dance sometime:)

  3. Oh that is hilarious! If injuries can be hilarious... I assume it's nothing too serious! Jo's falls aren't as severe since she's just crawling at top speed. Much closer to the ground.
