
Midweek Confessions

I have been a terrible blog commenter lately and don't even really feel that bad about it. Partly because some of the blogs I read are ..bigger and cooler.. blogs than this little old blog so they don't usually respond and let's be honest. That is so discouraging!

I have sworn off coffee and pop but have had both this week. #Caffeinefail

My sister compared me to a spoiled bratty teenage girl because I use hashtags. I told her that all my cool (blogger) friends do it so it makes me cool too. #coolonlytomyself

I'm (sadly) relieved that Josie's hair has visibly grown because I was worried she'd look like a little boy with her new haircut (if I didn't put bows or ribbons in it). I think it just brings me back to the days when I legitimately looked like a boy (thanks mom) with the haircut AND clothing choices at times.

I found a tick on Buckley this morning (just crawling on him not attached yet THANK YOU GOD) and freaked out. I then proceeded to put on my big girl pants and remove it from him with Josie in one arm and her stuff in the other. Once removed, I had a mini freak out again because it got off of the clump of hair (sorry, Buck but its a small price to pay to not end up with lime decease) and got directly on me. I just imagine it disappearing from sight by crawling up and into my shirt. I really really really really hate ticks.

Happy Wednesday!

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  1. Jenifer Fontenot4/25/2012

    I'm with you on the commenting thing.  I hardly ever comment on the bigger(cooler) blogs that have 300+ followers.  I do comment a lot on some of the smaller(still very cool) blogs and it's totally rewarding because they almost always return the favor. 

    I wish I could live without caffeine for even one day.  Sadly, I am addicted!

    This is my first time visiting your blog and I love your design.  I think I might just become your newest follower!!

  2. Lara Lekang4/25/2012

    PSH hashtags.  :P

  3. Thanks! I "designed" (if you can call it that) the blog myself and of course see all the flaws so it's nice to know that it looks ok to others.

    I thought I was addicted to caffeine too but luckily was able to buck that habit successfully without any major setback. It really surprised me!


  4. You are missing out, sister.

  5. Don't feel bad, I've been an awful blog READER these days. I'm finding a lot of the big girl blogs are lacking good content these days.

    My sister makes fun of my blog all.the.time. - I tell her she's jelly {and then she rolls her eyes at my slang}.and I'll never forget when I was mistaken for a 6 year old boy by the girly-girls in my gymnastics class... I blame my mom for letting me wear dinosaur shorts. Scarred me for life - maybe that's why we've never cut Saige's hair {only her bangs}. 

  6. Ash @ the Pollock Potluck4/25/2012

    I hate bad blog commenters too. And sadly, I've turned into one of them recently!

    Ticks give me the heebey jeebies too. Major freak outs are allowed.

  7. Elizabeth4/26/2012

    I couldn't give up caffeine completely either. Still have to have my coffee in the morning (I've gotten a little obsessed with it).
    Also, your big girl pants must be made of stiffer stuff than mine.  I refuse to handle ticks with my bare hands.  I'll go fetch a pliers or something.
