
I'd rather be cold than have a cold

Ever heard this before? "You'll never regret getting up to run." I've heard it, and always agreed with it, until yesterday.

I woke up at 6:00 AM to run with Buckley for two miles. It was great until the last .5 mile when I started to just feel gross. My head felt thick and heavy, my nose started to plug up, my muscles started to ache. I thought it was just from running in the cold (23 degrees but windy so it felt a lot colder) so I assumed I would feel better after I showered and warmed up.

I didn't.

I've come to understand that while I don't get sick hardly ever, when I do, it is bad. We had a particularly busy day at work yesterday and it took everything (everything!) I had to smile and be nice to the innocent customers that had no idea how miserable I was. I'm sure a few of them thought was a crabby unhappy worker that needed to find a new job but honestly I could hardly think let alone smile and hold a conversation. I kind of wish I could call them up and ask for a redo. Hopefully I will be able to redeem myself to them eventually.

That achy whole body pain that comes with a good bad head cold combined with the feeling that I was going to pass out or throw up all day. It just never seemed to end! But of course it did, with me sleeping for 12.5 hours nonstop only to get up and move from the couch (love you couch) to my bed. Thankfully my hubby was sweet and bought some soup (that I didn't even eat) and was on dad duty all night. He's great.

Rumor has it that now that I'm recovering (I feel about 60% better and can hold a conversation without trying too hard today) that sweet hubby and sweet baby are also sick. Should be a fun night! Here's to hoping they will both pass out around 7 so I can get some cleaning done. Is that selfish? Sleep helps. I promise!


  1. Meghan Gibson1/31/2012

    YUCK! I know all too well the hell that is a head cold! In 2010, after getting my tonsils out (pure hell-on-earth, much, much worse then giving birth) and nose surgery to correct my breathing and sleeping issues (think Human Pug - there is a reason I relate so well to the breed) I got a sinus infection about every.6.weeks. Torturous! My ENT finally put me on a super strong antibiotic and steroid and that worked. Like you, I all but about die when I am sick. Thank the Lord for helpful husbands! Hope you and your family are on the mend! 

  2. It's always like that around here too! One of us gets the sniffles and the whole family ends up feeling horrible. I thought that I'd build up a good tolerance this year from all the crud that my little boy has brought home from Preschool, but no such luck. Feel better!

  3. I always feel like I should be building up resistance too but it never seems to work! Too bad we can't all just take the week off and chill at home in misery together. Actually that would only be nice for everyone else because I'd be the one taking care of them...

  4. I thought getting your tonsils out was what you do as a kid?? I can only imagine how bad it would be. If I was sick every six weeks I'd probably have to quit my job and just stay home since I can hardly function... good thing that doesn't happen! I'd rather be sick really bad once a year though instead of a little bit sick all the time.

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