
Blogs they are a changing

I really have wanted to change my blog name. When I did a survey on it a couple of months ago, I got mixed reactions so I've just decided to try it out for a while and see what I think.

Why change it? The main reason is because people that don't know me very well have no idea how to say  my last name. Those that don't know me at all (in person) don't even realize that it is my last name. When I started this blog, I had thought it would just be more like a newsletter to update those in my life who would care (and knew me quite well). I didn't realize how much I would enjoy getting my thoughts and stories on paper written down. So as the blog evolved towards a more personal level, I knew the name wouldn't cut it. Especially as I get to know other bloggers and want something more appropriate for the public eye. I'm not paranoid about my name being out there, but it doesn't have to be quite as "in your face" as the title!

It's really hard to be creative when there are 2098234 other creative people out there. Every single good name is taken! But I woke up thinking about being intentional this morning, and it really stuck. I could not get it out of my mind as I got ready, or as I got Josie ready, or as I left for work.

So what do you think? I like hearing your thoughts even though it may not influence what I choose to do in the end.

**I spent about 2.5 hours trying to figure out how to change the font for the description under the title. No luck... :(


  1. Anonymous1/21/2012

    I almost missed it, are you saying your blog title is "living with intention"? I guess I like that, it's got a great point/message. . .have I ever told you how I love the way you can laugh, especially at gentle teasing from Mike, instead of getting defensive? That would seem to be living with the intention of getting the most joy out of life.

  2. I like it! To change the font you can open the template designer under "design", go to "advanced" and then you can choose to change the font under "blog description font". I'm pretty sure anyway. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll look at it again.

  3. I like your new blog title a lot -- it is very purposeful . . . and motivating!
