
Swimming, bonfires, and more

 Confession: I've sat down to write out a post a few times in the last couple of weeks and the reason I didn't was because my computer was too hot to have on my lap. How's that for lame?

Summer has been so very busy. Mostly in an awesome way, because for the first time I'm not pregnant or moving with a stress fracture since having kids and we are enjoying it immensely (the weather, that is). I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again. Millie loves being outside so very much and she makes it so much more fun. I mean, wouldn't you rather be in the great outdoors wearing a darling, smiling bonnet-clad baby than inside with a screaming baby?

Here are a few highlights from the past few weeks.We went to Buffalo River State Park with our friends for the first time. We got there fairly early and were having a blast (seriously, so much fun) but then the lifeguard came and enforced the rules (that we weren't aware we were breaking) and it wasn't quite as fun. The main rule we were frustrated with was that an adult had to be be in the water with kids 6 and under (6! Doesn't that seem old?) and they specifically said that being in the sand near the water wasn't good enough. That made it tough for me with Amelia since she really isn't old enough for sunscreen and water. I understand why they have this rule, because so many parents just tune out and don't watch their kids, but it leaves parents with multiple aged children in a tough situation. Thankfully, my friend was happy to go in with the kids, but it definitely dampened the fun. Before the lifeguard had enforced that, the girls were happily swimming with their life jackets on and we were watching closely from just off the shore. I was not concerned. 

The other thing that drove us crazy is that they had water breaks every hour for ten minutes. Ten minutes feels like an eternity to try to keep the kids away from the water. They didn't understand why they had to get out again, and I was frustrated that it happened so often. After three of those, we were ready to call it a day. BUT the trip was still a success. The kids loved the water and the park is gorgeous. We had a wonderful picnic and noted the trails all around (we'll have to come back to try those when it isn't so buggy). We'll still go back, but I'll have to be more prepared for what to do with Amelia. (As you can see in the pictures, I did bring her in the water and even sat down with her for a while but that can only last so long with a five month old. She did great though! Just sat calmly in my lap, probably a little shocked but also enjoying the cool but not frigid water.)

Can you find the baby?

We also had a backyard bonfire with our favorite cousins/friends Heath and Missy and kiddos. We haven't seen Rylee for so long (since before her brother was born and even before Amelia was born) so it was a blast to watch her playing like a toddler and not like a baby at all. Then, of course, we had to take an obligatory Asher and Amelia picture because they are so close in age (just 8 weeks apart, I believe) and he's passed her in the weight department (although I think she's still beating him for height). The weather was perfect with a strong enough wind to keep off the bugs. Hubby made chicken and veggie kabobs over the fire instead of the grill, which miraculously worked out, and I made potato salad with a side of fresh cherries and smores. Seriously, so perfect. When we dream of summer in the cold, dreary winter, this is surely what we dream about.

Now that the fence is done (and our yard is safe and beautiful), hubby has had a bit more free time on the weekends. We've capitalized on it by eating out a few times as a family (not as overwhelming as you'd think it'd be with three little ladies under five) and going on family bike rides. The logistics of these has been interesting. For now, Amelia is in her carseat in the Burley trailer behind me, Audrey is on her Wee Ride seat on hubby's seat (kind of awkward for his long legs), and Josie is riding her bike ahead of us setting the (fairly slow) pace. It's a lot of fun and can ward of the evening fusses and crabbiness like a champ. Eventually, we'll have two kids in the trailer, whether it's Amelia and Audrey so hubby can ride easier, or Amelia and Josie so we can go farther or faster. It will probably depend on where our destination is. Amelia is just not quite big enough to sit up unassisted in there though, so for now she'll dominate the whole trailer with her large carseat.

And lastly, this month I became the President of our local MOMS Club chapter. I know, I know, it's not like me at all to jump into a leadership position like this. I mean, back when I was in school I did stuff like this all the time, but since being a parent and being a little jaded from being pushed too far while in volunteer positions in the past, I haven't been too eager to be involved with anything let alone leading something. My kids keep me busy enough as it is! Somehow, they voted me into this position (I did know about it, it just surprised me) and so far I'm enjoying it. I'm excited to get to know the other moms in the group better and help the group continue to thrive. 

We've done a few funnnn events lately that I happen to have pictures of. The first was a trip to Coldstone where we got a tour from the manager. He has obviously done this before, because while I wouldn't guess he's a kids person, he totally understood how to keep their attention. They were able to walk into the freezer, touch the packages of food, and make their own ice cream treat with the big spoons on the counter just like they do for you when you buy it. I was a little jealous that the kids got free treats but not the parents, but I handled it like the adult I am. ;) 

Just yesterday, one of the moms threw a pool party. I had thought it was just going to be a slip n slide, but she had a whole bunch of fun water activities to do and the kids were totally loving it. There was enough shade for me and the babe to sit with the other moms (although it was still hot and she still prefered me standing) and the whole thing was just so fun and stimulating for the kids and me. I joined this group for the opportunity to meet others in our community and I've really made some solid, strong friendships out of it. God is so good, answering prayers that may seem small at the time but are still offered to Him. I need to remember that.

Oh! And Josie is in a class through the city Parks and Rec called Tons of Fun, which is basically a sample class of a bunch of sports. So far they've done track and soccer. She loved track, because as she likes to tell me, she "loves to run." She really loved doing hurdles too. I didn't have tennis shoes for her, so she was running in her Keen's. While they are a great summer substitute for tennis shoes, they aren't equal. I'll have to get a pair to finish off this fun class. Soccer wasn't as big of a hit since the kids did more standing than moving and exercising. It was also insanely hot in there and you could see it on the kids' faces. Hopefully they figure out a way to cool it down because it's supposed to be super hot the next few weeks, which is the duration of the class.

Let it be noted that Josie's participation is top notch compared to last year's dance class. She listens, takes cues from the other kids if she misses anything, and is so respectful to the teachers. She sometimes gets lost observing the other kids - a people watcher for sure (they are just so interesting!) but she's been able to get back in the activity without too much trouble. I'm so proud of her. She's come a long way and is showing how much she's grown up in the last year quite visibly.

Maybe I'll blog again before the next month is done. We'll see. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/29/2015

    Loved yours and Audrey's hats!. Was surprised that size/type of pool could keep that many children entertained. What a lovely summer:)
