
Myth. One is easier.

My parents took the girls home with them to the lake kind of last minute on Monday. They return with them later today (Wednesday). They didn't do it to give us a break necessarily, but it is kind of implied that we'll get one. 

Life with just one baby? Easy, it seems! Logically, going from three to one kid should be much simpler. I jumped right on that and ordered a gallon of paint to get the main bathroom finally painted. I even dreamed that I'd be able to paint the rest of the hallway. I would have all the time in the world to get it done, so why not have the materials to encourage me to get on it?

But of course, life happens. I desperately needed to go grocery shopping. I had to go to the other side of the world (east Moorhead) for a Craigslist find (totally worth it). I had lunch plans. I had office work with a deadline. I had to make dessert for our small group. We went to small group. The day was gone before I could even pick up the paint brush. Then, this morning, I slept later than I wanted (argh late night wake ups you strike again) and didn't want to get the paint supplies out when I just knew that Amelia would wake up (she hasn't, an hour later...could have gotten an entire wall done). 

Here's the reality. Having one kid is not easier than having three kids. Not at all. There are a few reasons for this. One, babies are the most high maintenance age. Sure, I can lay her down and she can't get into everything since she's not yet truly mobile (rolling around doesn't count). Sure, she naps a lot, creating windows of time where I could possibly get something done. But those windows are not easily predictable. At any given nap, she may wake up just needing to eat, just needing her pacifier, or just needing to be up an hour early. I can try to get something done, but it's never a guarantee. No amount of verbal coaxing will change her mind. She's demanding, that one.

Let's talk about the bigger kids. They are much more self sufficient than a baby. If they need to go to the bathroom, they go (most of the time even on the toilet!). If they need a drink, they can get it. They can play without my assistance. They can ask me questions and talk to me instead of crying when they have a need. Here's the kicker, though. They entertain each other. I'm not expected to constantly entertain all of them. They are awesome at doing that themselves. So once all of their needs are met, I often get to step back and finish up the dishes, laundry, office work, etc and they are perfectly content. 

The bigger kids also keep the baby distracted. Their play is the best thing for her to watch. She just loves being around them. It kind of surprises me that she'd like it so much considering that their hands are in her face almost all the time and they think it's hilarious to scream right next to her, but she has a connection with them that I'm not a part of. She loves those big goofs and is much higher maintenance when they are gone than when they are here. 

We miss them. We want them back. 

And lastly, I just really like them. I spend all day every day molding them into the kind of people I think they should be (and obviously into the people that God has created them to be). Their behavior, sense of humor, and attitudes reflect me in a lot of ways so of course I enjoy being around them. We get to laugh and play and have amazing conversations daily and without them here it's so very quiet. I like quiet at times, but I don't need this much. I know they are having a blast with Grammy and Papa, but their home is here and we are waiting for them to return. 

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