
Reading, cooking, watching, listening


Reading: All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel by Anthony Doerr It's promising to be a good book but hasn't totally sucked me in yet. I haven't given it enough of my time. I've been busy trying to figure out what in the world I should be following for weight lifting. It's an overwhelming world when the internet has a million opinions and suggestions out there.

Cooking: I made a black bean/rice burrito bowl meal that was amazing this week. I'm still working on getting my macros even, with me either having way too many carbs or hardly any at all. I'm hoping that by planning on more at one meal (ie: dinner), I will be able to incorporate them more evenly over time. One meal at a time,though, or I get overwhelmed. Why do all the high carb foods also have to have high fats? *sigh*

Slow Cooker Chicken Burrito Bowl

Watching: Honestly? Not really anything. Hubby and I are halfway through Mad Men on Netflix, but I'm not that committed to it. It's such a corrupted world, and it gets depressing pretty quick. I like seeing what life was like when my parents were kids, but sometimes the story lines are just ridiculous.

Listening: The girls requested that we listen to Punch Brothers this week, particularly their favorite song, Clara, affectionally called the "go back to sleep" song. I'd still rather be listening to my fave Avett Brothers but I suppose we can take little breaks here and there... I also just ordered

Hide 'Em in Your Heart, Vol. 1 & 2 by Steve Green. A friend said something that really got me thinking yesterday. Our kids are pretty good at memorizing popular songs like Frozen, other Disney songs, and other silly, repetitious songs. It takes them no real effort and they have it committed to memory (and then in their hearts) for the long term. Why don't we have them memorizing scripture in the same way? So, I ordered these albums, hoping that I can memorize verses right along side them. We'll see how much I can stand these songs since they are aimed at kids. (Usually, after hearing kid songs about 5 times, I am ready to never hear them again.)

Hide 'Em in Your Heart, Vol. 1 & 2


  1. hmmm never heard of Punch brothers

  2. EmilyBabiak4/24/2015

    I know what you mean about Mad Men - we haven't started the most recent season yet and I'm not that excited to either. We've started watching The Paradise on Netflix and I'm a big fan.
