
What those kiddos are saying

Playing with the nativity set
Josie: Joseph, now you put the baby down. The baby needs to be

While eating a noodle dish for the third time leftover style
Josie: Mom... these noodles make me shiver!

Audrey at supper time

Me: Audrey, can you eat your green beans?
Audrey: No, it's ice cream! Mmmmm, ice cream
She proceeded to eat all of them, never swaying from her story that it was ice cream. The game even worked with Josie, who loved pretending that they were dessert. 

Audrey while we are praying before meals: 
Audrey: Thank you Lord for this food and for Grandma's house.
Long pause. 
All of us: Amen...
Apparently that's all we are thankful for every single time she prays.

While not as humorous, it's noteworthy to point out that the last time we went to the library, Josie really had a better understanding of the future, and not just the present time. Most visits, I spend my time picking out the books to bring home while the girls spend their time taking books off the shelves to read individually or have me read to them. No matter how many times I'd ask them if they wanted to bring them home instead, they always wanted to read them now.  This time, Josie got excited at the idea of having it to read over and over again at home, and suddenly it was like a door had opened. She couldn't pick out books fast enough to put in the library bag. When we got home, she excitedly ran to get the books she had picked out and was waiting on the couch to read them before nap time. It was fun to see her connect those dots! The concept of time is really coming together for her lately.

1 comment:

  1. So funny, so adorable and there's so much more that could be documented
