
a Good Place

Just two weeks shy of my third due date, I've really been feeling like I'm in the parenting groove. Reflecting over the last six months or so, I just have had such a better time as a parent. I attribute it to a few things. 

First, that I've learned to back off. No more "control freak" parenting, I'm simply not in control of every little thing and I've finally figured that out. The stress on my shoulders has definitely lifted. The pressure I have put on myself is a lot less. God's been working on me in this area.

Second, I truly enjoy the girls so much! They make me laugh all the time, and now that they both are talking, the conversations around here are amazing. One of my favorite parts of the day is meal time. (It's also one of my least favorite parts because hello, silliness.) We have the best conversations when we are all sitting together at the table. They are listening closely and asking questions. We laugh and just interact. The same thing often happens when we are in the car. The conversations are completely random and often lead to great questions and topics that we wouldn't have thought of at home.

Third, I've got a bit of experience under my wing! Three and a half years is no small thing (ask me again in fifty years if I still think that). I've seen the cycle of craziness to calm and then back to craziness. I know that things come and go, that each child is different, and that God has given them to us for a reason. We fit together. It's pretty amazing.

So, soon, we'll throw another baby into the mix. Another girl to add to the daily drama. Life will be crazy again and I'll probably feel in over my head. I hope I can look back on this post and remember how things even out and we get a good routine. 

Even if today we are all sick and feeling like we were run over. See? Growth. I'm pretty okay with us doing nothing at all today, because I know that we'll be healthy again soon and that we'll be back to productivity.

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