
Baby #3 - 27 weeks

How far along: 27 weeks

How big is baby: About 2 lbs and about 14 1/2 inches long (cauliflower)

Weight gain/loss: Not sure, don't want to know

Maternity clothes: Pretty much all the time

Stretch marks: No new ones, thankfully

Sleep: Pretty good! I'm getting up once or twice a night for a bathroom break but overall sleep is pretty good. I'd say I take a 10-20 min nap about three times a week. It's nice to not feel so tired in the middle of the day (especially since I know that is coming).

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Halloween candy... glad that's over with. I just started getting that super full feeling after each meal even though I haven't eaten that much. Then, an hour or so later I'll be starving. I'm still probably eating the same amount at this point, but I can tell the slow descent into tiny meals all day long is upon me. So much work! I feel like all I do is eat snacks all day. I did stock up on fruit, yogurt, and meat snack sticks. Much less junk being consumed which will help with that good old double chin.

Exercise:  Just daily life for exercise... so not too much! I think I'm physically less active this pregnancy than I was the other two. Not something to be proud of.

Gender: Girl!

Movement: All the time. When I wake up, I usually wait until she wakes up and then just enjoy her kicks. Same at night... it's pretty regular. It's amazing to me that a baby who has no concept of time can be so regular and predictable.

Last week, I got to feel her move or flip completely around. It didn't feel great, but it was amazing to watch. The belly morphed. It was kind of strange, but also pretty sweet.

This week, I felt hiccups from her for the first time. Love all the firsts!

The belly: Very round, feeling large, definitely looking larger this time.

What I'm loving: We have a tentative baby name (not ready to share yet) and I've been saying it to the girls to get them used to it and see if it sounds right. It's so fun to hear them register this new name and connect it with a new sister. They still regularly say that baby's in mommy's tummy and I will get kisses and hugs for the baby randomly almost every day.

What I miss: Unlimited caffeine, a normal eating schedule/appetite, a drink every once in a while

Symptoms: Most of the back pain has disappeared and now comes the pelvic/hip pain. Unfortunately, prior pregnancies show that this will not go away until baby is here. So... woo hoo for the next 13 weeks! It feels so long at the end of the day when I'm in pain and getting up or moving around makes me want to groan like an old lady. Thankfully I usually feel good to go after a night of good sleep.

The nursery: Ideas are swirling in my head but none have come into fruition yet. Hopefully soon.

What's different/the same this time: Right now, it all seems very similar. Similar back pain, similar eating habits.

Best moment of the week: The hiccups were pretty special. Seeing a friend's newborn baby got me even more excited for this little lady to make her appearance.

Last appointment details: Nothing new, no appointment for one more week. 

It's so awkward to smile at a timed camera... but here you go. Huge belly to start out this last trimester.  Click here to see my growing stomach with Baby #3...

and below is a comparison with previous babes.

27 weeks with baby #3 and Audrey and Josie

I am not looking as pointy and baby seems to be sitting much higher although it doesn't feel like it. Sidenote:  I miss my long hair. 

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