
PreK schedule and a perfect August accomplishment

It hit me recently that Josie is old enough to be in preschool if we chose to enroll her. She still has a full two years before she's a kindergartner, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't start preparing more formally for those lovely school years.

That means this mama needs to get her act together. 

We have "preschool curriculums" to follow if we choose to be that formal, but overall I just want to get the kids on a loose schedule that we can all turn to and follow for a little more structure. It's nothing fancy, but it breaks up the day into group activities, one on one time, quiet time, free time, and meal times. I made a main schedule for myself that breaks the day up into 15 minute increments (not each increment has a task, because hello micromanaging that would be crazy) and I made another one for the girls to follow as they get old enough to learn how to tell time.

I'm hoping that Josie will be able to look at this and look at the clock to see what is coming next. I know she won't be able to read the activities, but she can find which clock matches and we can work together to figure out the next task. 

Here's the preview of the adult version (I got the template here):

I also have an alternative schedule that flip flops our morning and late afternoon activities for days where we run errands or have play dates. I'm hoping to avoid the whole throw it out the window after two days thing that seems to happen around here so frequently.

So that's what I accomplished today. I am also accomplishing a raspberry cheesecake (in the oven) with raspberries picked and cleaned just minutes before being added on top. It doesn't get fresher than that!

Do you follow a schedule with your kids at home? What does it look like? How closely do you actually follow it?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great idea, if I was babysitting for you, it would almost be easier. Your ideas on flexibility sound like a lot of forethought, but sensible & useful. I remember your Grandma actually following a schedule in the summer when we were older. Hope it goes as planned!
