
Baby #3 update - 14 weeks

How far along: 14 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a lemon

Weight gain/loss: Not entirely sure, although I would say it's more than previous pregnancies this early this time around. I've really been all about the carbs (why. always this happens and always I fight it. arggh) and I am eating fruits and veggies but you can't out-eat the bad stuff.

Maternity clothes: Out of necessity because my wardrobe is pretty pathetic these days, I've been wearing maternity capris that barely stay on and a few shirts that are summery (I want to get my use out of them). I just bought maternity yoga pants for the very first time EVER and they are amazing. I also got two tunic-like shirts (been looking forever, so thankful to find them) and a new bra that is a bigger size but smaller cup. So strange how those sister sizes work. I feel spoiled to have a few new items but also so thankful that my wardrobe is coming along and won't be so desperate as the weather changes.

Stretch marks: No new ones yet.

Sleep: It's been pretty great lately! I do take a nap probably every other day, and without it I'd be dragging. The girls keep me busy (although not as busy as you'd expect two little girls to be since they are so good at sticking close/not getting into what they shouldn't be in/entertaining themselves). I still haven't felt awesome at nights so sometimes I'm crashing as early as the girls do (8 or 9 and then get up and just go right to bed). 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: My coffee aversion has thankfully passed! No other major aversions that are predictable or regular. I was craving twizzlers but have gotten that out of my system. I've also been loving apples and peaches along with ice water. Once a day, a cold glass of milk is great which is so funny since I rarely drink milk when I'm not pregnant. My body just craves the calcium during pregnancy I guess!

Exercise: Not really happening, but I do have plans to change that now that I'm feeling better. I brought up my beloved prenatal pilates video and plan to start today if all goes well at nap time. I'd love to do it when Josie wakes up before Audrey is up because I think it'd be fun to do it with her, but she might also be totally not into it so we shall see how that goes.

Gender: We will hopefully be finding out in about six weeks.

Movement: None yet, but I'm hoping to feel some in the next three weeks like I did with Audrey.

The belly: The bump is very real and present. I don't feel like it's that much bigger than it was with Audrey since I can hide it with loose clothes, but man, catch me sitting down just right or not holding my belly in like normal and I suddenly look 20 weeks instead of 14. :) I'm afraid I'm in denial with it, too, because looking at my weekly picture (at the bottom of this post) makes me think that I'm a lot bigger than I imagine in my head.

What I'm loving: Feeling better, obviously. Also, the sporadic kisses and hugs I get for the baby from the girls. They are already loving the baby and he/she is not even here.

What I miss: A good summer beer is about the only thing right now. I'm not a huge drinker anyways, so other drinks are no big deal to miss. I do hate the caffeine restriction but at this point I'm used to it. I also miss not being overheated 80% of the time. For this reason alone I cannot wait for Fall to come.

Symptoms: Evening sickness, extreme fatigue randomly throughout the day, random muscle pain in those inner ligaments (all the more reason to get going on that pilates workout), feeling bloated and chubby since the bump just looks like a food baby most of the time.

The nursery: Not even close to started. Not even close! Still fully a guest room, and probably will be for months and months. Our basement is not ready for the guest room move, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with the nursery. Maybe the fire will be lit under me after we find out the gender, but for now, it's nice as a guest room (especially when we get to use it as a guest room. :)

What's different/the same this time: Biggest difference, my hair is greasy faster and I am shedding a ton. Other than that, now that I'm in the 2nd trimester, things are pretty much the same. Feeling great and loving it. :)

Best moment of the week: Not baby related, but watching Josie love life at the wedding this weekend, taking pictures with new "friends" and being so happy to be able to play with the props at the photo booth area... it was so cute. Also, Audrey was an absolute gem while we shopped all day. She totally exceeded any and all expectations we had. These girls are just killing me with their sweetness.

Last appointment details: It was a couple of weeks ago, but the news was great. No more partial bed rest, strong heartbeat, pretty boring report which is always great.

Next appointment: two weeks from now


  1. love the dress/tunic! love that you even feel like writing, good luck with pilates!

  2. Nicole Love8/06/2014

    Hey, I've been vacationing from blogland. You're pregnant -- congratulations!!! Looking good! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, I think I missed the announcement. Congratulations! You look wonderful!
