
A quick one.

Busy weekend ahead! Tonight, my mom, sister, and I are going to the Blenders concert downtown while hubby and my dad do bed time. Shopping tomorrow, Santa's village, church, and good ole family time this weekend. And then, and then!! it's Christmas! 

We had a great week with a few bumps in the road along the way. I'm no perfect parent, and had a low point (that'll I'll keep to myself thankyouverymuch) that showed me yet again how desperately I need Jesus when it comes to this huge job called parenting. I learned that no matter how patient and loving I can be with a handful of behavioral issues, there will always be one thing that just pushes me over the edge. It is in that moment, that I need to cry out for help even more. It was so very humbling, but something I needed reminding of.

Don't you love vague messages like that? I'm sure your imagination is going nuts right now, picturing the absolute worst. Fear not, it was just a low point for me and no real harm was done. I know that my kiddos love me and have already (long since) forgiven me, and that we just move on even though I'm still a bit ashamed. It's that lovely side of parenting that most don't talk about but everyone experiences. 

Thankfully, the rest of the week has gone great. The older two kids are getting along smashingly. (I made up that word, you like?) For real, though. They play, they sing, they dance, they read, they play some more. I have had time to cook. I've only raised my voice because they are across the house and couldn't hear me otherwise. I've been calm, they've mirrored my calmness. It's been so, so good.

Audrey is a toddler now. It's so fun and yet my heart squeezes a little too much when I think of the fact that there is no baby in our house right now. She's not a baby. It's just crazy. She's walking, starting to talk, playing with the big kids. But seriously, she just plays by herself and wonders around, not needing my help much and just hanging out. She's just content. It's a fun thing to see, her exploring on her own, happy as a clam. 

Off to a play date! I'm so thankful for this little family of mine. Happy weekend, friends.

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