
Quick post

My foot is driving me crazy. I tried to find a picture showing exactly where it is hurting and I can't even find that. The best way to describe the location is that it is more on the top than the bottom and is closer to the outside than the inside. Clear as day, right? My friend who is also a physical therapist briefly tried to help me out the other day (informal setting, not at her work) and we never really did figure out what it was. I'm just about ready to go in for a legit consultation with her because it's just not improving. I got some new shoes for daily use, have avoided running heavily, have tried to stay off of it more in general, iced it (kind of felt good at the time but didn't last) and even soaked it in Epsom salt. What is going on here??

I guess it could be a stress fracture or possibly another form of tendinitis. My tendons generally hate me and love to act up so that wouldn't surprise me, but if I jump to conclusions and treat it as tendinitis while it is a stress fracture, I could do more damage than good.


Tonight.... TONIGHT I get to see the Avett Brothers perform live in my very own city. I never thought that would happen as most of the bands I like don't make it to small mid western towns, but it's happening. It's going to be great.

This weekend is a big one with a lot of family, time at the lake (why foot why must you hurt when I could be running in the splendid beauty of lake country?) and of course the traveling that comes with it. That means I need to get it together somehow and pack every little thing. No time for forgetting essentials like swimming suits and underwear! (Both have happened. I'm not proud of it.)

Girly girl just woke up so off I go!

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1 comment:

  1. The Avett Brothers! Lucky! Have so much fun!
