
Pesky little things

Guys, I've been working HARD on this little old blog. First of all, I created a Facebook page. Can you believe it?? Me neither. Little explanation for you...

I used to put a link to a post now and then on my personal Facebook page. I'd get a decent amount of people reading the posts, nothing crazy, but it was a steady number. Then, a couple of months ago, that number dropped down to basically nothing. Seriously, like less than 10. Every post I wrote and posted had the same results coming from Facebook. I didn't understand it so I just ended up taking it personally. You know, nobody is interested, apparently people are sick of my blog, etc. I posted links less and less, but even when the posts were big news (like us moving), there was still very little to no activity.

Then, every single wall post I wrote had the same thing happen. There were no comments, likes, nothing. I mean I know I can be annoying, talking about my kids a lot, blah blah blah, but nothing?? Not even from my mom or sister? I posted one last post mentioning some of this and of course heard nothing. Except... I heard from Facebook. 

They sent me an email that said my account had "spam" and they "took care of it." They told me to go ahead and look at what I had posted and make sure none of it was spam. Of course, none of it was, but you can't tell them that. It's not a "reply back" kind of email. 

I'm still pretty certain that there must be a block or something on my personal Facebook page because I've had zero activity on all wall posts that I've written since creating this page as well. 

I know other bloggers have Facebook pages but I didn't think it was necessary for my little old blog. Apparently, I was wrong. So here we are now... with a fancy Facebook page. It's too bad that Facebook is so focused on "promoting" posts and whatnot. I'm pretty sure that is what they wanted me to do... pay to spread around the link I posted instead of just posting it in news feeds of my friends and family. 

Along with all of that, I struggled laboriously  made a few Contact Me buttons that you'll see on the right side of my blog and at the bottom of my posts. It was starting to look a big cluttered so this helps (hopefully?).

 And I made a new blog button! So if you have it on your blog, please update it for me. Thank ya! (And if you want to do a blog button trade, let me know! I'm totally up for that.)

Ok that's enough of this "maintenance" stuff. Regular blogging will resume... tomorrow... I'm too tired to do any more tonight. :)

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  1. Jenifer Fontenot7/30/2013

    I've been wanting to add all those little pinterest/facebook/instagram buttons, but I haven't been motivated enough to do the research on how to get them on my site!! Your page is looking great!
    If I don't link my posts to facebook, I only get about 10 views. I don't have a facebook just for my blog though.

  2. EmilyBabiak7/30/2013

    I struggle with my page views too, usually I don't feel like posting every single post to my Facebook - I don't want to be a bother, but then I feel upset that no one read my post. I've caught myself trying to find ways to promote my blog but then I second guess my writing and feel like it's just personal stuff that I should really only want friends and family to see, not the whole world... but then I crave the world's attention. I haven't found a balance yet or a very strong purpose for my writing. I hope Facebook treats you better with your page -- let me know how it goes!
