
Josie Grace, Two Years Old

Josie is two. She's full of spunk, a huge talker, and right in the thick of the tantrum years. Her giggles and smiles light up the room and her sweet little voice is always carrying a tune. She loves to give hugs and kisses, play with her sister (such a great big sister) and look at all things motorized (boats, trains, tractors, you name it). She gets really serious when she's figuring out something new, but jumps right in when she's ready. She always keeps us on our toes with her crazy antics. We love her so so much. 

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  1. Sounds like Josie and Avery are into all the same stuff! And I love her dress! Where did you get it?

  2. I think I got her dress at a second hand store... as are most of her clothes! I couldn't even be helpful with a brand! But it definitely is one of my favorites. Maybe Gymboree?
