

Today has been productive. I'm proud of that. Often times, Monday mornings are slow starting and drift into afternoons without me even realizing that half the day is gone. I had a jump start this morning because I had to clean up a dog mess (really, the third one in three days) and the cleaning bug hit me HARD as I finished that dreadful task.

I cleaned out my fridge (food content AND germ content), cleaned up all of the dishes/sink area/counters, hard boiled a dozen eggs, cooked a chicken for lunch meat and dinner later this week, tidied up the upstairs, and got lunch on the table all within a couple of hours.

PLUS I got a few more piano students set up to start! I will have four new students total this semester and I only lost one last from last semester, so things have improved for my little music studio quite a bit. I'm so pleased with how it's going! I give lessons on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the afternoons from 3-5:30 and it's just perfect for me. I get that little bit of "grown up" time even though the lessons are mostly with kids, but I still get plenty of time with my own kids throughout the week. The extra income helps too of course.

My favorite thing of the day? I found a great little table and chairs for the girls on craigslist and picked it up today for only $20! It's tiny and has a crayon scribbles, but it isn't finished so we could always finish it with stain of our choice if we don't like that. I'm fine with it though. Let's be real - it would have gotten scuffs and crayon markings from our girls in no time at all! It looks loved. :)

Oh and did I mention that I got a new phone? Yep, the old 'dumb phone'  started showing signs of imminent death and I freaked out thinking that I would be without a phone all of a sudden so off we went the good old phone store. (You may laugh but I was trying to sell something via craigslist and that was how we were communicating. I couldn't miss out on that sale because my phone wasn't working!) I got the Windows 8x Phone and I'm loving it so far. The one downfall is that a lot of the apps I planned on getting are not available yet. Maybe that's a good thing - I won't get bogged down using my phone all the time. Just finding the bright side... the rest of the phone is awesome though.  

Girls are sleeping - better be productive!

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1 comment:

  1. love the little table - and so will the girls!  wish I had accomplished that much this morning!  Congrats on the expanding studio, and so soon in the beginning of your business!  What a way to start a week.
