
The house is clean! For at least this weekend. I'm not even getting my hopes up that it will last more than that, but it's done!

Today, my family is coming to prep prep PREP for this baby. It's going to be fun because reality is sinking in - - this will help even more. 

I rearranged Josie's toys so that I don't have to bend over as much to pick them up. Smart? YES. Selfish? Absolutely. All of her books that usually end up everywhere in the house are now contained in her bedroom. I can bring out one basket at a time so she has a variety but not all of them to choose from. Her bigger toys are on a bookshelf. She can see them, take them down, play with them, and then I can put them away without too much trouble. I put her stuffed animals in one basket and the smaller toys in another. One basket at a time! I love this.

So here's the best part. This little organizational makeover that I did? Josie loves it. She gets it. Last night we took 10 minutes to just pick everything up one piece at a time. When I say "we" I mean Josie actually did almost all of it. She understood the system so she was able to help. I was so proud. I also started saying "you can play with that after we put this away" and I knew she understood what I meant. I know she'll take a while to truly understand what cleaning up is, but this was a major (albeit small) victory. 

Who wants some pictures? I don't have one of the organization because really that's not that exciting, but I do have some of Josie last weekend before we were taken over by the plague neverending cold. The weekend weather was perfect so we did enjoy it a teeny tiny bit before hunkering down to heal up.

Loves her Grammy despite the face

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