
Happy Anniversary to Us

On August 22nd, last Wednesday, my hubby and I celebrated three years of being married! It may not seem like a lot, but that time has flied by. It's crazy. We've bought a house, gotten a dog, had a baby, am about to have another baby, and have kept his business afloat and thriving all the while. I know for sure that things have only gotten better and that we love each other more now than we did then. How could we not? We thought we knew each other years ago, but it's nothing compared to now. I can only imagine how that will change and grow in the years to come.

Since it was the middle of the week, we just wanted to make it special but keep it relatively low key. We don't really do date nights all that often, so just the fact that Josie was hanging out with her grandparents and not with us was "date like" enough. We drove around for a while before deciding that we just weren't in the mood for fancy food and creative ideas. We ended up at Red Lobster for their "all you can eat shrimp" special. It was delicious and we were happy.

After, instead of hitting up the town, we just got our baby girl (hey, we missed her!) and headed home to watch a movie after putting her to bed. I fell asleep while we were watching it, and that was the end of our official anniversary. 

Oh so blurry. Oops.
And just to keep it real, did you notice our photo bomber? He's classy.

We got a bunch of not so good shots so I'll just post them all... 

On Sunday afternoon, we left Josie with her other grandparents and hit the town water for a boat ride for a couple of hours of absolute sunny heaven. Seriously, it was so relaxing. We drove around and looked at all of the gorgeous lake homes (say what? that'll never be us but it is fun to window shop) and then spent some time fishing aka sleeping while the hubby had a line in the water. 

We brought Buckley with on our little date. He didn't spoil it too much.

One last shot to show you my hubby's skills. The man knows how to drive a trailer. Is that the right way to say that? He'd know. Anyways, he's pretty much great. I'm glad he's all mine.

Happy Anniversary week, hubby. Love you.

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