
Still Kickin'

 Life's been busy but so so good. How about a little update?

1. I spent a portion of yesterday and most of today (as of 3:00) pulling weeds, planting veggies, putting up fence, shopping for perennials and vines, and planting perennials and vines. When I say "I" what I mean is my MIL who showed up one day ready to work. How could I turn her away?? She took over on the overwhelming part, and now we aren't the trashy neighbors on the block! I really feel like we were becoming those people. *SHUDDER*. I hope to get pictures once things are flourishing a bit. 

2. I also planted a mini herb garden hanging on the ledge of our deck but chances are I killed the basil. It's windy, like really windy, and I didn't have enough dirt to support it right away so I'm thinking it's a goner. Luckily, I have seeds to start fresh, but I don't feel like waiting for the whole plant to grow. Basil, suck it up and live, ok?

3. Josie's arm and leg rash is finally going away. Unfortunately we still have no idea what caused it, but my latest theory is that it is something Buckley rubbed up against (maybe at the lake?) and she came in contact with him days later. Who knows, though. She's doing better after a mere three weeks (please note sarcasm) and we are glad to be done with it.

4. Plus she's finally getting some more teeth! The front two on top are oh so close and I hope they come in soon. She hasn't been acting like she's hurting, but I can't imagine it feels all that good.

5. I have these big plans to go through all of hubby's and my clothes and really redo how we have everything in our tiny little messy bedroom, but I can never find the right time to start. Do I wait until Josie's napping and power through (overwhelming and I usually want a nap too) or do I try to keep her busy while I tear apart the bedroom?

6. Josie swam in the lake for the first time this weekend. She literally just walked right in, clothes and all, and splashed around. The problem we have now is she gets so upset when we try to "restrain her" with a life jacket or floating device. She also doesn't want me holding her hand, but there is no way I'm letting that crazy fearless girl go free in the lake! It's not happening, sister. So we need to work on this. We're going to be hanging out in a hotel with a swimming pool while Dad is doing official usher stuff for the wedding on Saturday, so we'll get plenty of pool time with floating devices. She will just have to face facts. :)

7. Piano lessons are going good! I definitely could take on a bunch more kids, but the few I have are fabulous and I am loving giving them. I know it will pick up when school starts, so I am looking forward to that season (although it can take it's sweet time coming).

8. Guys. My hair is LONG. I like it, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to start looking a bit witchy or Amish. Don't get me wrong, love the Amish look, but it's not for me. If you feel that I'm getting that look, let me know pretty please.

9. I need to have a baby #2 update with a picture. I know I know, I've been terrible. I plan on changing that maybe just maybe. But but but here's the exciting news! We have our big ultrasound next Tuesday and then we'll know what we are having! Doesn't matter either way, but we're excited to find out. AND EVEN BETTER - my SIL Elizabeth is due in a week. A WEEK! I can hardly wait to hold/see the little baby (gender not known until birth) and buy some fun little baby gifts. AAHHH I cannot wait.

10. I made a smoothie for a snack today that had strawberries, bananas, and spinach and Josie loved it! Finally a way to sneak veggies into girly girl's diet. She's still been terrible about it but I'm one step ahead of her (for now).

10 is good. I like it. Hope you made it through all of that random la di da!

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  1. Next Tuesday already...I can't believe you are that far along!


  2. Laurie6/13/2012

    random responses: wear your hair in a messy bun - never looks amish:)  great idea on veggie in smoothie!!! Can't believe the teeth are coming in, noticed in a pix how the back molars look like they're near the top. 
    Tuesday - can't wait!  and only one week for Liz - does that mean it could be 2 weeks?
    Suggestion for organizing hubby's stuff:  throw Josie on the bed and cover her with the clothes, sure it will be a mess but she'll think it's a game.  Then when she gets bored, napt-time!
    The wind in your back yard is unbelievable, perhaps herb garden would work better on lower deck. . .too late now, I know.
    Interesting (but sad) theory how Josie got her rash.  Wonder if frequent baths would wash the poisonous oil off before it got bad.
