
Monthly Photo

Josie is 11 months old (and a week, you know how I am with these updates...never on time).

This is also her LAST laying down shot. While I'm relieved to no longer have to wrestle her, I am sad that this stage is ALREADY done.

This month Josie got her first flu, she got a horrible rash that you can still see in these pictures on her arm and leg, and she developed picky taste buds. No more eating whatever is put in front of you. Suddenly I'm being challenged to be creative with her meals so she's not just eating meat, cheese, and bread. When I say meat, I mean red meat. This girl is just like her father and doesn't want anything to do with fish or white meat! I can sometimes get her to eat it if it's covered in red sauce, but even then she usually figures out what I am up to and spits it out. Veggies are the toughest, and I'm not sure she keeps more than one or two bites actually in her mouth. 

We just started working on getting her sleeping through the night and are starting the process of weaning her off of formula. She did try whole milk but didn't like it at all so we'll see how that goes when she doesn't have formula as an option soon.

She's walking all the time and once in a while gets excited enough to attempt to run. It's pretty funny because she's just laughing and flailing her arms yet can't quite control her speed and usually ends up falling over. She's gotten better about having to be into everything she's not supposed to, and can entertain herself pretty well with books and bigger toys. I've finally got some bigger toys for her now that she's bigger, and she can't get enough!

We don't seem to get sick of each other even though we are alone most of the time. She likes to bring me books to read which absolutely warms my heart, because she's still just as independent as before and usually wants to do everything herself. 

We haven't really had to discipline her in any ways yet, since she's still a bit young for that, but the few times I gave her the look or said something in a stern voice, she just laughed at me. We'll have to work on that!

She's saying Mamama all the time and now says Dadada too, although not always in the right context. She knows that saying "hi!" happens when someone just shows up, but over uses it all the time and walks around saying hi hi hi! to anything and everything. It's fun watching her watch  us make noises too. She often will just stop and stare at our lips and then bust out laughing. If we imitate her sounds, sometimes she'll do the mocking bird thing back and forth which is one of our favorite games. Current favorite: Da boo da boo da boo with super hard consonants. She loooves saying this.

Still just the two lower teeth. We're wondering if the other teeth will ever make an appearance! She's wearing all 9-12 month clothes and I pulled out her 12-18 summer clothes too so we wouldn't have to buy more. They are a bit big still, but she can pull it off. She is 22.2 lbs as of last week although I think the biggest way she's grown is up. She's definitely a lot longer than last month! We'll get the official measurements next month at her one year appointment.

Now we have a birthday party to plan and more fun activities to do outside!

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  1. Adorable!!

  2. Laurie6/05/2012

    Great 11 month snapshot - the photo with the huge smile looks exactly like one I had of you.  Had no idea josie wasn't eating veggies - does she still eat the fruit?  And only red meat - hilarious.  She really does look so old and so tall in these photos.  When I watched her toddle around at the wedding (1 week ago?) she seemed so little and tiny. Her hair looks so curly and the rash really did warrant a dr visit.  Can't believe she's doing that much talking, can't wait to watch this

  3. Anonymous6/05/2012

    She looks like...at least half my height! She's not even a year old! No fair :( She's pretty cute though, so I'll forgive her :)
