

Confessions, so many confessions...

I had a melt down earlier this week when putting Josie to bed. She's teething again and wouldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes. Usually, whoever puts her to bed doesn't have to get up, but since I was a wreck, my sweet hubby put her back to bed and then proceeded to get up at least four times in the night. I did get up once... for my credit... Thank you Lord that we had a wonderful follow up night last night.

My toenails need to be painted desperately. I actually have two gift cards (people are SOOO generous!) to get my nails done (both mani and pedi) but can't seem to figure out when to schedule an appointment. I just need to do it, but that would require remembering to get the number and call somewhere. Plus it's not fun going alone...

I can't figure out what kind of person I am. Sometimes I am a leader (most times considered bossy I'm sure) but other times I'm a huge pushover. I expect everyone to agree with me (so, that would be stubborn) about this but can't figure it out myself?? I can also be incredibly indecisive. Lucky hubby, right?

I was thoroughly disgusted walking by the mirrors all weekend seeing my undone hair and chubby cheeks/tummy/everything. With all the resolve in the world, I made it one day out of three with sticking within my calorie goals. But hey - I lost half a pound since this weekend so I'll take it.

I finally found a running program that motivates me to run for more than 12 minutes and I even got new headphones that will drastically improve the quality of my motivational music. With that in mind, I have also skipped two days now of working out because I'm too lazy to get out of bed. I can always go tomorrow right?

I need to clean my house desperately. Hey, it's been a couple of weeks since I've used this confession!

Linking up with E...


  1. I hear ya on not being able to figure yourself out :) fun how we are always changing, right along with our kids, eh? Great confessions... Good luck on sticking with your calories/work outs! One day at a time!

  2. I always say losing - no matter how big or small - is better then gaining!!! I am going to do Mid week confessions tomorrow...too much going on today to post twice!

  3. I'm just impressed you have enough ambition to post twice within two days! :) I've been a blogger slacker, obviously...
