
Earliest Memory

I hear people talk about their earliest memories and always feel a bit guilty because I don't really feel like I remember much from my early childhood. It's not actually true, that I don't remember things, but my idea of remembering means not just remembering based off of pictures and videos. I'm so grateful that we have those documented images, but at the same time, I can't distinguish what I remember and what I am told.

The other day, I remembered two things that I know we have no documentation of. 

The earliest thing, which I know happened first because of the location, is probably stuck in my head because of the strong sense of fear. Before my mom married my dad (stepfather but dad to me), we lived in a little one and a half story house with a few big trees in the front and back yards. My room faced the back yard, and there was a huge (in the mind of a 2 or 3 year old) tree that had branches right outside of my window. I remember laying in bed watching the shadows and being absolutely terrified because I didn't realize what I was seeing. The mind of a child can be extremely imaginative! I also remember that I was half asleep and that it was a one-time thing. I wasn't always scared of my room or that tree. 

Isn't it funny how that sticks with me? I never associated my actual age with that memory so I never realized that it was one of my first true memories.

The second memory I really remember is from my parent's wedding. I was 3 1/2 years old and was the flower girl. My cousin must have also been a flower girl because she was also standing near the alter during the wedding. I remember her fidgeting and causing trouble, and I really remember being interested in what she was doing while also knowing it was wrong to do it. 

I've always been very aware of right and wrong, and the fact that I remember that feeling so strongly from so long ago just amazes me. I truly must have been born with that to a certain degree because 3 1/2 is pretty young...

Why am I certain that this is not from a video? Because a little girl who shall not be named happened to tape over her parent's wedding video with cartoons. There is no video anymore. They blame this little girl (surely not I!) but she was just wanting to watch a cartoon.

This was in our old house. That house had a big willow tree in the front that I loved and my mother didn't love (ask her about it, she really doesn't love them like I do!). I only remember the good things so to me this house is just the cutest quaintest place. 

I found my baby book and have a poor quality scanner on my tablet so expect to see more pictures soon. Mike's baby book is also around. It's going to be a historical weekend if I get my way!

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