
Much anticipated video

Mom put it in upside down.

No problem, she'll just flip it around.

Oh that's too much work. It's fine this way.

And finally! I found my camera. It may or may not have been in my purse the whole time. I do recall seeing it  in there all weekend, but it never crossed my mind that hours before I was searching everywhere for it. It never fails! My mind is always doing too many things at once I guess.

So here you go. The first video is from this weekend. She will go after Buck's bones like they are candy, so all I have to do to get her moving is put one on the other side of the room. But...then I have to run ahead of her and grab it! Incentive is good and all, but let's be real. That's gross.

Video #2 was just tonight. She was getting tired and her movement is a lot less precise when she's ready for bed. Can't you tell? She really cracks me up. I think she really loves the camera too, because she just stares as soon as she sees it pointing at her. My little diva...


  1. Laurie Lekang1/23/2012

    thank you. Tje video's are priceless, she's so little to be motoring all over.  It looks like she goes at least 5 steps, working so hard, doing so good and then needs to rest a bit?
    And switching the pacifier - that's a new one:)  She looks so huggable with her hair slicked over from a bath. . .and so cute with the little side ponytail.  Going to need a josie jolt around Feb. 3.

  2. msdeyle1/23/2012

    She just gets tired out like that after she's been doing it all day. She can get pretty far before she's too exhausted to stay up. 

    How is this new comment set up working for you? Is it easy enough?

  3. Lara Lekang1/23/2012

    Sarah your baby face is shining through josie's. all I can think of is your when you were little, and lucky these are in awful resolution so it looks like the videos from 1987 haha.

    very cute, I will hobble over soon :)
    -Auntie L
