
Weekend Update

We got to spend half of the weekend at the new lake place this weekend. I'm already completely in love with this place. Its homey and lovely. My parents got some serious Josie time in and I was smart enough to document some of it.


 I tried to get some cute shots of Josie just hanging out next to a Christmasy stuffed bear but she was more interested in the block (made by my grandma for me when I was a kid).


We spent some quality time with my grandma and grandpa and Josie was on her best behavior showing off all of her tricks like sitting, standing, getting in her crawl position. ITS TRUE she's getting so close to crawling.

It was a great first half to the weekend!


  1. Anonymous12/05/2011

    You are mastering the way of documenting a weekend, lovely shots, lots of variety so precious and they already give me fond memories. As for the ones Paul took, there's a close up of you 3 that is priceless, but Buck didn't make it.
    Where's the 5 month pix?

  2. Anonymous12/05/2011

    Looks like some great shots for grandma and grandpa to use for christmas!
