
Beautiful morning

Crazy things happen when God is at work. And crazy things happen when you let God work.

 I am not so good with writing my faith related thoughts on this little blog because I generally keep it light and entertaining (or so I hope). But sometimes (should be more often) I just can't help it! Sometimes it is so great and overwhelming in my life that I just have to write it. And the more I write on here, the more it is just a great place to keep my thoughts and ramblings. Shouldn't my thoughts and ramblings be Christ centered?

My latest bible study is called "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan. It is about how the Holy Spirit is often the forgotten part of the trinity, and it has completely changed my way of thinking already. It has been one week. I have only read the introduction and the first chapter. I am so excited to see where this leads!

This morning, while bring Jo to daycare, I had this moment where I was overwhelmed. Tears to my eyes, heart pounding moment where I just knew knew! that God was there, speaking to me, inside me like I had prayed for. If you have never experienced this, pray for it! Because it rocks your world. I have only had a few super strong moments like this where it was so crystal clear that there was absolutely no way I could ever doubt Him in my life. But everytime it happens, I am even more blown away with how people can say that there is no God. I wish (and pray and hope) that this could happen to each person. But here's the thing. It doesn't always happen when you want. It doesn't always happen when you ask, but it hardly ever happens when you are just hum dumming along with your life, not thinking about it and certainly not praying about it.

I am so glad I invited Him in today.
Isn't that the absolutely best way to start the day?


  1. Well said, friend! I too am so thankful for the Holy Spirit's work in my life. What a joy and blessing and reason for the hope we have. :) Blessings to you and your dear family.

  2. I know what you are talking about! It's that "still, small voice", and it's such a blessing when the Lord speaks to me that way!
