
To Pump or not to Pump

I've spent a significant amount of time pumping in the last 3 months. Josie is quite the aggressive eater so breast feeding was more of a hassle than it was worth. I found that I actually saved time pumping and then feeding her because I didn't have to struggle with her impatience for 45 minutes to an hour.

I usually pump right away in the morning (6 AM), 10:30 AM at work, 2:30 PM at work, 6:00 PM at home, and again before I go to bed (10:30). It doesn't take long, maybe 15 minutes total including clean up, but I find that planning around it and packing/unpacking everything takes a lot of mental energy.

-My immune system transfers to Josie
-Costs less (we are saving about half of what we would spend using only formula since I can usually pump 3 bottles and then she eats 2-3 more of formula)
-*Supposedly* I am burning more calories and it helps me with weight loss (not a believer in that at this point)
-When I am at work, it is nice to be able to step away for a bit in the morning and afternoon (what, it's true!)

-Time consuming - a major point because not only does it take time throughout the day, but I can't get up and really start my day until it's done (meaning working out is super hard to fit in in the morning). Even in the evenings, I often forget to do it and then remember right when I am about to go to bed... causing me to stay up a lot later than I want and the mornings are more rough. Overall, it's just always pushing something back or causing me to not get something else done.
-Isn't even covering all of Josie's meals
-I feel completely uncomfortable when I need to pump but can't
-Leaking problems (doesn't happen often but is annoying when it does!)
-My job and how busy I am relies on how many customers come in needing me to help them, so when it is super busy I can't just excuse myself and go pump... I have to wait for a break or just not do it. This messes me up for the next couple of days since my body thinks that it made too much and I feel like I am constantly trying to maintain a certain amount (which isn't even enough for her by the way!)
-Mentally, it truly is exhausting. I am thinking about it for 75% of the day and always planning in my head how to make it work for the next time. When people want us to do things or go somewhere with them, I always have to answer based around it. If we are gone for half of a day, we have to bring the pump with which means one more bag on top of everything else.

I can already tell that the Cons are by far outweighing the Pros. I wish it were that easy, but I know that each point on the lists do not weigh the same. Really, her getting my immunity and nutrition from me is a huge point, while me being uncomfortable is a small point. What do you think? I know so many people say that it is my decision, nobody can make it for me, and I shouldn't let others influence me, but I like to hear what others have done. I know people that never pumped or breast fed and were comfortable with that. I know others that did it for 9 months and were so happy to make it that long.

Truthfully, I would love to continue for months and months but I need to be realistic. If I were at home all day or even half the day, it wouldn't even be a question. But being gone most of the day really changes my view.

One more thing to consider is that I spent about $150 on a pump. Did I save that much in formula because I pumped? Probably pretty close since we've gone through at least 1 huge formula container costing $15 and I was able to keep up with Josie for the first 2 months. The other thing to consider is that I will definitely breastfeed/pump with future kids if I can so it will be used again down the road.


  1. Well I'm certainly no expert, sooo I can't really offer advice... But you've done a great job so far, Sarah!! Whatever choice you make, Josie is going to be a smart, beautiful girl! :)

  2. Anonymous9/29/2011

    It is absolutely up to you. And I see your point with the immunities as cold and flu season is upon us. So my response is actually a question: Due to how rapidly the cold virus mutates is your body able to keep up with it, or because it's a virus and not a bacteria is she not getting boosters from you? Yes I'm a little naive with some of this stuff, so sorry if that was a stupid question.

  3. I would assume that if I am not getting the cold, it is most likely b/c my body has either already fought it and built up the immunities or we haven't been exposed to it. Either way, everything I have passes to her so she's immune to it too. But since I am only providing 1/3 of what she is eating, I doubt it is as effective. Good, but not great I guess.
