
What is a Gym, exactly?

When I got married, I determined that I was not going to be the typical bride that is so happy and comfortable she gains 20 lbs. Oops...



Ok so I didn't gain 20 lbs, but I am not quite the buff girl I was before. And I have been totally conscious of every bite that has entered my mouth and every night I have skipped the gym. I guess being conscious of it doesn't actually matter if I don't fix it.

After New Years, I switched gyms -from Planet Fitness to the YMCA. So here is the thing... I'm new to the Y, but not new to a gym... all you snobby gym goers at the Y can stop complaining now. I can't believe how much whining goes on about the New Years Resolutioners that show up and want to get in shape. I have a message for these snobs:

"YOU ARE THE REASON THEY QUIT... Do you think it is easy or enjoyable to go to an environment where you get glared at and gossiped about?" The end.

Besides that, wonderful gym. I am impressed. Well... with the classes anyway.

I go with a coworker, at least 3 classes a week. Cycling, bodypump, and cardio (like step aerobics). AWESOME BUT OUCH TOO! My body rejected it, but I vetoed that. I like the music, I like the instructors, and I like the set schedule that  can't manipulate.. hard to not go when there is someone holding you accountable.

If any body out there would like to join me some time... PLEASE let me know... working out buddies really make or break it.

Also - I want to run in the Fargo marathon. A friend of mine and I would like to do the relay, so I would only have to run a 10k instead of the 1/2 marathon. Can I do it? Yes. Will I do it? As of right now, yes. Am I scared? YES. :) Is my body willing? NOPE! So lets just keep the encouragement coming... the body is upset with me right now and I don't see that changing any time soon.


  1. You go girl!

    Krista Bailey

  2. Hey, I will be running the 10k! Want to run it together?
