
Easter recap (with loads of pictures)

The Easter post that almost wasn't... (I will figure you out someday, Photoshop Elements!) (sick of hearing that yet?)

We spent Thursday night through Saturday night at hubby's aunt's farm. We planned a bunch of activities to keep the kiddos busy and it worked out pretty well! I forgot the fancy ole camera but did snap a few of the egg dying shenanigans with my phone. They played outside for some of it, but the wind was insane so that time was limited. We had just the right amount of toys/puzzles/bikes/coloring supplies to keep them busy, and we visited hubby's grandparents to change up the scenery. Here are the pictures from the annual egg dying. The kids were a little bored with it at first, although I can't blame them since all you do is watch the eggs slowly turn colors in a cup. Thankfully, my SIL had also found some pen-like things so the kids could color all over them in the meantime. It really helped keep their attention and we got done in no time, just before their attention span ran out.

After driving back to town from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM (should have left earlier but clearly wasn't thinking about what time we'd get back... more just about what time we left which coincided with bed time. Of course the kids didn't sleep in the car hardly at all so that was pointless), we cleaned up the best we could, hid the Easter baskets, brined the meat that hubby was going to smoke the next day (seriously a work of art), and went to bed. The next day, the kids got up, ate breakfast, got dressed and went on the hunt.

lfb's on the left in the hall closet, Josie's in the middle in the blanket basket in the living room, and Audrey's on the China hutch in the dining room

This is the first year that they really "got" that they were supposed to look for the basket and that it was full of goodies for them. It was so.much.fun to watch them light up when they found them. We didn't leave enough time for them to play with any of the toys in the baskets, but they weren't too upset to leave for church. Whew. Crisis averted. (In the baskets: Easter themed books, box of kid cookies, magnet sets for each kids, and some dry erase crayons for the eisel they also received that has a white magnetic board on one side and a felt board on the other.) 

They helped each other with some verbal cues from auntie Lara

After church, the kids went right to bed (amazingly, with no problems since they hadn't slept well all weekend) and hubby and I prepped some food for our later afternoon lunch with my side of the family. It went perfectly and neither of us felt stressed out. We had thought with jamming so much in one weekend we'd be overwhelmed but it wasn't bad at all. Family started arriving, we ate our feast of all things amazing, and the kids played outside in the beautiful weather. Praise the Lord for that weather, let me tell you. It would have taken A LOT to spoil this almost perfect day.

We had also laid out a bunch of plastic eggs around the backyard for the kids to "find." I was shocked when all three totally understood what to do! Audrey's joy in finding another one was completely contagious. There was no fighting and they all got to eat a bunch of candy (the only candy we had for Easter). Have I mentioned how wonderful this day was?

My cousin's son Jackson and his Marmee (my aunt Lynne)

It was such a great weekend. Family time, even all packed together, always leaves some legitimate good memories. We wouldn't want it any other way! And of course - the reason we were celebrating was not forgotten. Church (the first holiday we've been in town for) was so great with children dedications and baptisms, great worship, and a great message. Seeing Christ's love for us through children's eyes makes it all the more exciting and just all the more real. He is Risen! We mustn't forget!

1 comment:

  1. lovely pix, lovely story, great memories, , but "living with intention" shows up on all pix. . .not as nice to reprint.
