
Want a few laughs? At my expense?

This day. Oh this day.

Rudely awakened at 5:00 AM, Audrey and I had a little talk about sleeping in. I gave her some milk and went back to bed. Only a mere 30 minutes later, I was back in her room trying to get her to sleep again before she woke up Josie. As I peered at Josie, I noticed that her bed was wet and that her tossing and turning was a result of her unconscious sleeping self trying to avoid said wet spot. What's a mom to do? Do I wake her up to change her sheets when we are oh so close to regular wake up time but not close enough to call it a morning? Not a chance. I tip toed back out, looking forward to the bed change I'd have to take care of when the real morning started.

6:00 AM came all too soon with me in the kitchen preparing lunch for the hubby, tiptoeing around hoping that the girls wouldn't wake up. I hopped in the shower as fast as I could and prayed for just a little tiny bit of quiet time before the day really began. I got about...three minutes. That's it. I knew the girls were awake but had hoped they'd just stay quiet for a little while. Josie isn't one to stay quiet, so the yelling, laughing, and throwing of random objects began shortly after her waking up which of course lined up perfectly with the start of my quiet time.

I wasn't ready for what was coming. I walked in to find Josie soaking wet with a full pair of pants if you will. I just stood there in shock for a minute before I realized that I have to be the one to clean it up. I'm the adult. You know its bad when she gags while we clean it up. Seriously, though. It was bad. As soon as I got her in a fresh pair of underwear, I ran back to her room to get smelly soaking wet sheets out of there. Audrey was very upset at this point that I could have abandoned and left her to die in there like that, so she was up next.

Once in a while, Audrey wakes up with the start of a diaper rash from being partially soaked all night long. Her diapers hold most of it in, so it's not that she's laying in a soaking wet bed. But her skin gets a little irritated now and then from it. No big deal, since most of the time I will just let her lay in her crib on a towel in her birthday suit for 15 minutes or so while she plays. It's gone in half a day and she loves loves loves being free like that (the girl gets giddy). Today, I ran to make them some oatmeal for breakfast and by the time I got back, round two had ensued.

It was everywhere. I was expecting the towel to be a bit wet. I was not expecting the entire bed, baby, pacifier, and baby toy to be covered in it. You can imagine what I am referring to, right? It was awful. I didn't even know where to start. I pulled it together enough to get Audrey in the bath and the sheet rinsed out and out of the room (the smell in that poor room at this point was not something I want to relive) and determined in my mind that the day.would.get.better. 

I figured that once we were done eating breakfast, the best thing I could do to clear my head was to go for a run before Audrey's nap. She gifted me with some serious screaming that only died down long enough for a quick two miles before she made it clear how she felt about all of her injustices once again. Even getting her to bed was crazy. She screamed for at least 20 minutes, and that was with me in there shushing her, inserting the pacifier, and getting her repositioned for at least half of it. 

I'm already ready for this week to be over. Can it please get better? Pretty please?

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  1. Rachel Maynard6/03/2013

    Oh no! Poor you. The joys of parenting :) Hope your week does get better!


  2. Ah POOP! Just remember ... this is the GOOD STUFF!! Like Grandma (Erma) once told me ... "Don't wish away time - you may just get your wish!" (Words to live by ... and I WISH I would have ALWAYS lived by them!) LOVE YOU BUCKY!!

  3. Callie6/10/2013

    Oh man, rough day!
