
Happy birthday sister! And more

Last night was a rough night. Audrey was up for 2 1/2 hours and we couldn't figure out what to do to get her to sleep. We did the usual, changing the diaper, feeding her, wrapping her, unwrapping her, repeatedly gave her the pacifier. None of it made a difference. She was just unhappy. It dawned on me this morning (post middle of the night haze) that she may be teething and she was uncomfortable. Am I a new mom all over again?? Come on, Sarah, get your head on here. 

I mentioned in this post that I was worried about Josie asking where Buckley is. Thankfully she hasn't really seemed to notice although I wouldn't be surprised if she bring it up later. She's so observant though and I'm sure she's heard us talk about it. Hubby shared with me last night that he had a terrible day yesterday just thinking about what we had to do and trying to discern if it was the right decision. Thankfully by the end of the day we were both feeling better about it. 

It's snowing outside. WHAT IS THAT? It's not just a light snow fall either. It's 'coming down more than usual and not melting away at all. Oh winter, won't you just admit defeat?

I feel like I've been a bit of a debbie downer on here lately. Things have been up and down in our lives and I'm only really sharing the downs, but I promise that we have had plenty of great moments too! 

Today is my sister's birthday. SHE AWESOME. She deserves a great birthday and I can't wait to celebrate with her this weekend.

Holding her god daughter Audrey

We're so desperate to get out of the house today that we are going to the mall to meet up with a friend, walk around, and maybe even play a little (yep, in the dirty germ infested play area. It's going to happen).

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1 comment:

  1. great idea - playing in mall play area - germs are necessary to make us strong and NOT get allergies. . .so sorry about AJ's night - just when she gets a full tummy the next stage arrives!
