

We went to St. Augustine, FL for the wedding of one of my best friends a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun and we were so happy that we could be there for her and her new husband. We decided to make it a real vacation by staying a couple of days. It was worth it - the weather was perfect and we were able to relax a little bit before the crazy busy construction season starts.

We let the grandparents watch Josie and she really didn't seem to miss us much. I'm pretty sure she had more fun with them than she would have had with us anyways!

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

After missing our first flight, we enjoyed ourselves by chilling in the airport all day long.
Audrey couldn't have been more perfect. She slept when we needed her to and didn't fuss hardly at all.

We skyped Josie as much as we could because it just wasn't the same  without her. 

After we finally made it there, we crashed at the hotel and woke up hungry. This is the restaurant that Bill Murray owns with his brothers. It was cute and affordable. Oh, and the food was good too. ;)

Huge golf ball in the building (in case you don't see anything special in this picture behind my cute little family).

The restaurant is on a huge golf course and that was also where the wedding was.  It was a gorgeous place and we couldn't get over how perfect the weather was (especially compared to the blistery winter back home).

The men in the wedding surprised the bride with their outfit choice for the wedding rehearsal... none of them are actually Scottish.

While we were busy rehearsing, AJ hung out with daddy. They had a lot of quality time together that weekend. I cannot get over her cute little bare feet!

All of this was cleaned up for the wedding. The bricks were so hard, walking on them with our heels was painful and we were all feeling it after the wedding the next day!

We went to a steakhouse for the groom's dinner, and the bride showed her hubby what she had gotten him - bobble heads that were personalized to be them! They were eerily spot on.

Bride's bouquet

Time for the wedding to start! It got windy right beforehand, so Audrey didn't even get to show off her cute wedding attire... she was wrapped in a blanket pretty much the whole time.

Her brother walked her down the aisle. It was emotional. And great.

And the close up of the bobble heads.

The bride and I.

The next day, we decided to check out the town (oldest in the country - some amazing history) and go to the beach.

We were a little overdressed, but the sun felt amazing. We figured it'd be too windy and cold but it was surprisingly gorgeous. Audrey didn't seem to mind either, even though her hat was too big.

At the end of the day, we went to the fort. Again, a lot of cool history and we were totally into it (nerd alert).

Audrey wasn't sure what to think of the nice weather. She's only ever known  freezing cold winter.

I forgot the shade for her car seat since we don't use it in the winter back home, so we had to make due.

Pretty ridiculous, but it did the job!

The city had a lot of cool older buildings.  I didn't think to take pictures of any of them, but we did come across this one imitating the Gone with the Wind house. The restaurant was called Scarlett O'hara's. It was cute.

We had a ton of seafood. I couldn't get enough! Every meal that we could, I tried a different kind. I didn't have anything I didn't like which surprised me. I used to dislike seafood a lot, and was always afraid to try it... but now I love it all. 

She spent a lot of time in here since we were walking around a lot, but I promise we took her out enough to move around and enjoy the weather.

On our way back to Jacksonville to fly home, we stopped at a Chick-fil-a . We'd never been to one and wanted to see what all of the hype was about. It was good. Nothing special, though.

Chick-fil-a has flowers on every table. Definitely classier than McDonald's.

We didn't have to spend hardly any time in the airport on the way back, but Audrey did get a chance to show off her new moves (lifting her head and looking around for a much longer period of time) to anyone that was interested at our terminal. Sadly, not many people seemed to notice... but her proud parents sure did.

Like I said, it was wonderful to be in the sun and have some time away. I'll do a separate post about what it was like flying with a baby, but already a bunch has happened since we've gotten back and I (and my blog) need to move on and catch up!

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  1. Anonymous3/21/2013

    Looks like you guys had a great time!! I wanna go to Florida so bad...never been. Loved all the pics :)

  2. Mrs. Lopez3/21/2013

    how do you do the tags on your photos? I have been using photoshop and that doesn't always work and they are always different sizes...
    ~Mrs Lopez of lovinglifeinpink.blogspot.com
