How far along: 37 weeks
Weight gain/loss: As of my last appointment, I didn't gain this week (but I'm sure I have by now).
Maternity clothes: Real clothes are maternity but I still sneak into my regular sweats and t shirts (oversized of course)
Stretch marks: No new ones!
Sleep: I've been sick all week so sleep has been a joke for the most part. I'm up so often either getting water, going to the bathroom, or taking meds that I doubt I'm really getting quality sleep.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I wasn't hungry earlier this week, so just water and cough drops... but now that my appetite is back, I'm still loving chocolate (chocolate milk especially - something I never have) and oranges.
Exercise: Nothing extraordinary. Being sick really got in the way of this.
Gender: Girl!
Movement: She's getting to the point where she feels too big to be in there much longer. Some of her movements hurt and I have to nudge her back to her "spot". It's so fun to feel constant movement and to have that reassurance that she's doing great.
The belly: So big, especially because she hasn't dropped down yet. Once she does I know I'll be a teeny bit more comfortable and I won't look so gigantic.
What I'm loving: No back pain and not too bad ligament pain, mostly because I've spent so much time resting this week.
What I miss: Coffee, diet coke, bending over, sleeping (deep real sleep!)
What I miss: Coffee, diet coke, bending over, sleeping (deep real sleep!)
Symptoms: braxton hicks contractions are getting more intense. I"ll take em! That means my body is starting to prepare for labor and that makes me oh so happy.
The nursery: Pretty much ready. We'll be setting up the bassinet in our room this weekend (!!) and doing a few other things in preparation.
What's different/the same this time: I'm still not swollen and I'm busy enough to not be thinking about it obsessively. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing the preparations and thinking about it a lot, just not as much.
Best moment of the week: Finally, finally Hubby got to really feel her moving and kicking. She gets so shy around him but this time he just waited her out and got to feel her for a good 10 minutes. It was awesome.
Last appointment details: My midwife wasn't impressed that I didn't gain weight and she was measuring a week behind. She said I could take some cold medication (that she approved) to help heal up and my assignment was to get healthy and eat a little more. I'm working on it but this cold is hard to kick! She also checked me and said that I am thinning but that the baby still needs to drop. Since I need to recover from this cold first, that's fine with both of us that she's not in position quite yet! Hopefully there will be some improvement by this coming Monday, when my next appointment is.
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still don't think you look much bigger than a baby bump:) But so glad to hear about all the kicking and you still feeling ok.