
Who doesn't love a 4th of July decked out baby?

We're spending the day playing, swimming, and avoiding the heat when not in the water. Hopefully hubby will be done working a little earlier today because we have exciting plans for tonight! We'll be dropping off our baby toddler at Grandma's and Grandpa's for the night so we can go out to a friend's place in the country to celebrate the holiday. So excited to have some adult interaction and play some games (anyone thinking bean bags? We need to use our fancy new game afterall and Ladder Golf.)

Since this is probably our last chance to wear this outfit, she'll be wearing it all day even if hardly anyone sees it. 

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  1. How adorable, so perfect for the holidays and yes, it may be the last time it fits!

  2. Good thing she has a grandma so attentive to the seasons. ;)

  3. Super cute outfit!
