
Something about Mondays

... that always seems to be worse than any other day. But I am determined to have a good day.

I looked in my closet and see zero options for casual clothes. I thought I had some, but it turns out that this girl is not interested in the slightest with long  heavy pants when it is over 80 degrees.

I stubbed my toe hard enough to break off a huge chunk of toenail (excuse me while I gag) causing it to really hurt and bleed a little bit.

Josie has decided that nap time is hilarious and it took almost an hour to get her to nap. Of course this only happened because I had something set up for right after her nap time, which is now postponed an entire hour. Thank you Miss Unreliable.

Did I mention it isn't even 11:00 yet?

We're still going to have a good day! I just know it!!

Case in point, this was for breakfast:

Chocolate chip pancakes, because we can. Hubby is gone for the week and never wants them, and I always seem to want them. So I made enough to last us at least three days and we are SET.

She's a fan, can't you tell? Hubby would also completely cringe at the sight of that mess. He hates (seriously HATES) feeding her food that is super messy. I'm not scared, though. Bring on the mess!

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