
Baby #3 - 20 weeks

How far along: 20 weeks

How big is baby: 10 inches from head to heel, about 10 1/2 oz

Weight gain/loss: um... I don't even want to talk about it. Up 10 lbs! My midwife wasn't concerned at all but I was so... time to get serious. 

Maternity clothes: Yes for pants, shirts are hit or miss

Stretch marks: No new ones

Sleep: These last couple of weeks have been great. Hardly any need for naps and I am not waking up nearly as often.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Sweets, carbs, junk... so now I'm working on switching that up and hopefully will get some better cravings. I would looove to be done with my aversion to frozen veggies. It's just annoying.

Exercise: Let's do that ... starting now.

Gender:  We just found out that it's a girl! We are THRILLED. We both pictured three girls and now we'll get to see that happen.

Movement: Tons and tons, mostly when I'm sitting down at the end of the day but more and more throughout the day lately. Definitely every day.

The belly: Growing but still a comfortable size.

What I'm loving: That we're having another girl, that the weather is amazing, that I'm feeling great.

What I miss: Nothing major that I can think of.

Symptoms: Food aversions! I'm sick of them.

The nursery: Now that we know the gender, it may be time to start working on that. I've got a few ideas but nothing ready to really work on.

What's different/the same this time: Baby GIRL is a little smaller than the girls were this far along although she's still perfectly healthy.

Best moment of the week: Definitely seeing baby GIRL kicking and curling up during the ultrasound. I love love love seeing the baby even a little. It makes it so much more real... we will have another daughter who will be completely different (with some similarities) than her sisters. It's just so exciting.

Last appointment details: I think I've covered most of it... she was a little shy during the ultrasound, keeping her legs crossed and staying curled up so it was hard to get a few measurements.

Next appointment:  Technically there is one scheduled in four weeks, but I plan on cancelling that one and not going in again until the 28 week appointment with the glucose test. My midwife is fine with it since this isn't my first time around. Obviously if there is anything suspicious I will go in and get it checked out.

Halfway point! The next 20 weeks will hopefully and most likely go by a lot faster than the first 20.

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