
baby #3 - 18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks

How big is baby: size of  a bell pepper, about 7 oz and 5 1/2 inches long

Weight gain/loss: I haven't checked lately... up 3 lbs so far as of my last appointment

Maternity clothes:  Yes for pants, shirts are hit or miss

Stretch marks: No new ones

Sleep: Bleh. I fall asleep fine but I have been so tired lately. It's not every day but it seems like every couple of days I just have a day where I have no energy no matter how much I rest or sleep. Thankfully there are also plenty of days where I have the energy which leads to motivation to move and do stuff. I just really dislike those days where I'm exhausted for almost the whole day.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Nothing major, just ice water and salty foods. Also, randomly, salt water taffy. I've been eating a ton of corn on cob, peaches, and apples too (love this season!)

Exercise: Nothing intentional besides walks with the girls and daily activities

Gender: We find out in two weeks!

Movement: So much more now! It's definitely obvious and more often. I'd say it's every day at least two or three times a day and sometimes it last for ten minutes or so before baby calms down again. It's awesome.

The belly: I don't feel much bigger than I was two weeks ago. That initial growth spurt that makes the pregnant-again mama feel huge seems to have slowed down and I don't feel overly large anymore (although I definitely look pregnant - no more belly bloat look)

What I'm loving: Not being sick all the time (still too close to the first trimester to have forgotten how miserable that was) and the awesome Fall-like weather we've been having lately. It's nice to get a bigger variety of clothing options now that we can wear sleeved shirts!

What I miss: More energy, being able to actually exercise without feeling dizzy or tired, higher coffee consumption

Symptoms: Just the sleep and tiredness

The nursery: We'll get busy with this after the gender reveal (hopefully)

What's different/the same this time: I don't remember being this tired at this point with Audrey. My hair is still strange. While the pregnancy feels mostly the same, it's definitely been more dramatic than the last two. I told hubby that I think it's a girl and that she will be our most dramatic yet. I'm not sure what I think about that...

Best moment of the week: Josie had another dance class this week and she did a lot better with listening and understanding the structure of a class setting. Audrey was a perfect little lady waiting so patiently and sticking right by mama. These ladies just make me so happy.

Last appointment details: Nothing new...

Next appointment: Two weeks from now, September 17th!

You can compare with Josie at 18 weeks here. Audrey's monthly photos don't start until 20 weeks.


  1. Cute shirt! !

  2. Oh honey, you look so pretty and healthy, and really NOT that hugely pregnant. Wonderful!
