
Update #1

I promised a few updates in the last post, and I'm determined to follow through. 

About a month ago, our time with our foster boy came to an end. It took some getting used to and we definitely had to adjust to the change from three kids to two. In some ways, it's been sort of a relief. The three kids were so close in age that it sometimes felt a bit like a daycare. With just two girls, that get a long surprisingly well, it felt like a piece of cake. Of course, it was always manageable with three, but we felt a little like we were on vacation right away.

 A lot of people ask how the girls are doing with it. We had behavioral issues the first week or so afterwards, just minor things, but that was all. I think they have adjusted quite well. Josie mentions his name every couple of days or so, but it seems to be more in a casual way through her play talk more than to us looking for answers. When we've tried to ask her if she misses him or if she knows where he is, she answers matter of factly (with the correct answer) and is on to the next thing. 

We aren't completely sure what road God is bringing us on now in regards to foster care. We've also been asked what our "plan" is, whether we will continue doing it or not, and we don't have a solid answer. In respect to his family and privacy, we really aren't allowed to talk about the details behind the move and what his future looks like. But I'm happy to answer questions if you have any that I can answer.

For now, we are enjoying the girls and helping them continue to feel secure and happy with our family (and doing the best we can to make sure they aren't scared that they'll leave or that their spot in our family isn't forever). 

More updates to come soon. (And pictures, because every post needs a few.)

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth Blatchford7/09/2014

    I love the dress Audrey has!
