
Hair drama

Remember when I was obsessed with cutting my hair? I talked about it to everyone, in person, on the phone, facebook, instagram... I was annoying, which I'm fine with since to me it's a huge decision. I mean I've had long hair for years and it's so hard to grow it back out with that awful middle stage... you know the one, where your hair is right below your shoulders and just looks bleh. Well, it does on me anyways. But I digress.

I was all set to chop it off. I had the appointment made and childcare all set up. I was so excited. Then we got hit with illness and I had to cancel it. I was so disappointed but life goes on and now it's been two weeks and I haven't been able to figure out a way to schedule another appointment. Having three kids means finding childcare is difficult and me-time is unheard of. My hair has been in a high bun for... well longer than I can remember! At least it's low maintenance and kind of in style right now. I'm grateful for that. :)

Someday I'll have a ton of time to go get my hair all pretty and sit in quiet without any screaming, wrestling, or giggling surrounding me at all times. I can look polished and well rested later. 

For now, I'll just keep the long hair, high bun, concealer, and coffee and enjoy my nap time peace when I can get it. It's all I've got right now so I might as well, right? Leaving the house (alone) is overrated anyways.


  1. EmilyBabiak12/04/2013

    My hair is in that awful middle stage right now.. but I haven't actually done my hair in two months .. it's in a little messy pony tail all the time. I'm lucky if I comb it! Maybe by the time I have actually have the time (or the reason) to do it, it'll be long!

  2. oh - I want you to cut it, I think the styles you were looking at were terrific for you (or anyone), the change would be refreshing & you would appreciate the low maintenance.. .I think I'm living vicariously through you:)

  3. Samantha Ingalls12/06/2013

    I had long hair and I chopped it off into a bob this summer. I do love the new shorter hair but jeepers it is a lot more work. On the positive side it keeps me from being lazy about taking care of how I look and am forced to pull myself somewhat together now hair wise at least. :) I do feel much more sophisticated with my shorter do' though, so refreshing, hope you get another appt. soon.
