
Baby #2 is...

A girl!

Another sweet lovable sassy crazy baby girl. We honestly can't wait.

Just like with Josie's ultrasound, she wasn't cooperating and we couldn't get a good face shot so I apologize for the quality since it's even worse than Josie's. Just for fun, here's a side by side.

They aren't facing the same direction, and I'm not sure if you can even tell anything, but so far they kind of look alike! Ha. Who knows? That's the fun part. I can't wait to see how similar/totally different they will be. 

Ahh we're excited! 

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  1. Paul Lekang6/26/2012

    LOVE!!  She looks JUST LIKE ME!!

    Love, Grampa!

  2. Laurie6/26/2012

    So exciting to see the ultrasound, adore those little feet, but yes - I can't tell much from the comparison of Josie's.

  3. Anonymous6/28/2012

    I think it is so cool to be able to see the tiny feet and hands.

  4. Congratulations, that is so exciting! another baby GIRL!!  I'm sorry I didn't comment sooner, I'm having a really hard time keeping up with my reader the last couple weeks.  :-)
