
Plan fail

Usually when Miss Josie is fussy or not sleeping good during the day, it never fails to drive around to put her to sleep. Running errands and shopping are so easy. Today was no exception, until we were almost done.

We went first to Caribou to get me some drinky heaven, then to Walmart in Moorhead which seems to beon the other side of the world. I went there today because I get birth control cheaper and lets be serious, saving tons o' money is completely worth it. So I dropped off my prescription, grocery shopped, and came back, just in the amount of time they quoted to me for it to be ready. Of course it wasn't ready, and Josie was awake... she was just getting fussy when the lady called me up.

*side note. IT WAS FREE. Say what? I used to pay $20/month! I'll take that!! Worth the whole experience today... for sure.

So she was quite awake as we left, but I knew that I needed to go pick up Mike's contacts which were on 13th... busy busy around 4:30 in the afternoon! She cried for most of the way. It was awful. I hate listening to her scream and feeling completely helpless. I tried to maneuver her pacifier at the lights but it wasn't what she wanted and only postponed the screaming for a minute at a time. I think I hit every red light and got stuck behind every slow driver.

Best part? As I was leaving the eye clinic, guess who pulls up. Mike was there to pick up his contact lenses! So I could have just gone home and saved about 20 minutes, which would have meant no 20 minutes of driving with screaming baby.

Oh how lovely miscommunication is :).

Tonight is eggplant parmesian and zucchini fries! We'll see if they are any good. Both are Weight Watcher recipes and are super good for me. This means I get a treat of a DQ blizzard tonight which lets face it makes the day!

What is your favorite kind of blizzard? Mine is cookie dough I think. Or mint oreo. Nom nom nom.


  1. Anonymous8/15/2011

    Cookie dough with extra cookie dough!!

    You have to tell me how the zucchini fries are?!?


  2. Anonymous8/16/2011

    ok. number one. i'm not the *biggest* fan of DQ, but if i must, (and don't tell carol), snickers with caramel; hold the fudge.

    number two. cookie dough is only good at the DD.

    number three. where was my invite to this feast of yours? sounds delish!
