We won a baby bjorn on Ebay for $17. How wonderful is that?? Lets just hope that it is as good as it sounds.
Mike wants one of these super bad. He loves the idea of being able to walk around and get things done while being on baby duty and getting quality time in. I agree, although I think the sling type thing would work great for me as an alternative.
Anyone have an extra cloth sling? I would love to borrow it and try it out... I don't really know what kind I want, and don't want to spend too much either.
Here is the pack n play we wanted on Ebay for about $75. Its worth a little over twice that and it is new even though the packaging doesn't look so great. Unfortunately we were outbid, but will keep looking for something similar.
What a relief that we could get the baby bjorn for cheaper before we do the big "Target" purchase this week! The deal with that is that I have a 10% off coupon to use on anything on our registry. I also want to get a Target card at the same time which would make it 15% instead. We want to get almost everything we will be needing all at once, but didn't know for sure if we needed everything brand new. These were the two expensive things we agreed we needed sooner rather than later but really didn't want to pay full price for. We still need to get a new video camera (Flip, anyone?) and a bunch of little things along with some furniture type things like shelves and baskets. It will add up, and 15% will help a lot!
I hope to get the coupon in the mail Monday or Tuesday. Sadly, I lost the original coupon for this and didn't figure it out until after I was in the store getting ready to get everything. I had to request a new one and it takes 10-14 business days. Why is that, you ask?? I have no idea. Why they couldn't email it to me, I have no idea! I asked the lady but the best thing she could respond with was "We don't have that capability available at the moment." Oh well, I still love me some Target (said with the French accent of course).
We'll keep looking for the pack n play...
Love it!