
Wonderful fabulous

A wonderful thing happened today. I got a membership at Planet Fitness ($10 a month? Really?) and it really feels fabulous! (See how I used both words of my title in one little paragraph? Genius right.)

I have just been feeling so blah lately. And lets not forget that the doctor things I am gaining too much weight yada yada yada. He said I should only be gaining about 2 lbs a month. Well. Let. Me. Tell. You. Its harder than it seems! I am hungry all the time and if I don't eat, I get light headed/dizzy/shaky. Now I realize the solution seems so obvious. Eat small meals or snacks throughout the day. I do this for the most part AND I even eat healthy, for the most part.

I just like ice cream... and its the only thing I have actually craved. There I said it; I am admitting the horrible awful truth.

So lets hope the movement helps! Oh and I did mention that I weighed myself and haven't gained anything this month yet!! That is truly a miracle. I just spent the weekend eating out every meal in Duluth and I forget about the fact that I eat less and get instantly full. Thank you baby for keeping me accountable with my appetite. :)

On another happy note (besides that little rant), I had most of today off!! Ohhh how I needed this time off. I worked for a couple of hours this morning and now there are only 2 days left...

So. Things to look forward to - wedding on Friday, weekend, exercising (I've missed it! It's true!). Woo hoo!


  1. Anonymous2/23/2011

    YEA!!! PF!!!!

  2. Anonymous2/23/2011

    congratulations and what a bargain! Will you ever go in the a.m.? How far from your house?
