
Best time of year

The next four months are the best.

September: "Back to school" feeling, which means excitement, beautiful weather, and anticipation for what is to come. I have strong memories of this time of year. One of them is one my sister and I just remembered together this weekend.

My mom is the band teacher at the community college in my hometown. We only lived a block away from campus, and every spring the marching band that she led had to practice before homecoming. They started at 4:00 PM so my sister and I would have just enough time to get home, throw down our backpacks, have a snack, and rush outside with anticipation as we could hear the bass drum just leaving campus. I cannot tell you the thrill of it; I know it seems silly. Most of the time we knew some of the students so we would get to say hi/act like we didn't care/grin from ear to ear (depending on our age of course - middle schoolers and high schoolers have to look cool you know). We would follow them for about a block or so and then we would have to go back and do homework.

But what I really remember is the smell of this. Just the other day I was outside and had the strongest flashback. I think it is the leaves changing, the bees in the air, the nice breeze, the cooler yet not cold temperatures, the sun shining. That leads to the anticipation, the joy, the memories. We did this for years... we did this for most of our childhoods! And you know the crazy thing? When I "grew up" I joined that band, and still had the same feeling marching in the band.  It is just a fun time of year.

October: Halloween of course! Well really, I am not such a Halloween buff. Sure it is fun, but what is really my favorite is the fall weather. I've done the haunted houses and whatnot and like I said, it is fun. But the season itself is what makes for the wonderful feeling I get each year. This is the time to dress the best! Scarves but no heavy clothes, boots but not snow to climb through, sweaters and cute jackets. It reminds me of football games, long walks, and light shivers. The good kind of shivers.

November: I would consider this the fun part of winter. Everyone is anticipating winter, and nobody is really complaining yet. Everyone is waiting for the snow, and yet everyone wants fall to continue. Then starts the holiday season. Since I consider it ok to start playing Christmas music on November 1st, I would say that November is by far a favorite month. That is what makes it great! Not one, but two great holidays creating excitement - yes I do consider Thanksgiving exciting. For example, Mike and I got to celebrate our engagement two years ago around Thanksgiving. The food, the weather, the family. So great.

December: Well of course this is my favorite! Birthday month, best part of winter with skating, chilly temps above 0 degrees, sledding if you are ambitious, Christmas and everything  that comes with it. That is another post all together as there are so many  things to love about Christmas. To name a few: the music, the lights, the gift shopping, the music, church activities, the music, and the smiles on everyone's faces. I love watching people light up at this time of year! And its always the people you don't expect... that is why this month gets my vote. So many surprises.

So you will not hear complaining from me for a couple of months. I would say this is the best time of year! And maybe you can be persuaded as well? No more mumbling and grumbling. Lets enjoy it and create some more memories. :) But seriously, don't rain on my parade! (Barbara Streisand anybody?)

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