
Entertainment at it's finest

Huge things happened today.

1. My sister got a job doing what she wants to do. Can you believe that?? A real grown up job. And she's only twenty years old! So proud of her. She's still in town, close enough to be auntie of the year (well, tied anyways) and starting out her career. 

2. Josie got her first tooth! It's hard to see so I couldn't really get a picture of it. Its on the bottom and you can barely feel it let alone see it, but it is there. She hasn't been all that fussy but she has had a bit of a runny nose. If all of her teeth are this easy, we are going to breeze through this. 

Look at that crazy long piece right in the middle. Bahaha

This goofy grin looks like me when I was a baby. Too funny.

Must be something good going on over there.

Whenever this innocent face makes an appearance, you know something's up.

The Great Escape
Here's what she was looking at in the picture above. She's IN LOVE. I know I've said this before, and I know I'll say it again and again. In her mind, he is the best thing since mashed banana. I'll post a video of them playing later.

For now, here is a picture of us playing. I guess I'm kind of fun too.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I cracked up at the great escape! Her eyes are beautiful- so much expression!
