
2 months

Yesterday was Josie's two month appointment. The doctor said that she is doing great and everything looks normal and healthy.

Weight: 12 lbs 5 oz (gained about a pound is now in the 90th percentile instead 95)
Height: 23 3/4 inches (grew 2 inches!! and is still in the 95th percentile)
Head circumference: 15 1/2 inches and 90%

Then there were the shots. She was so smiley and happy leading up to it, but the look on her face when she got the first shot was heartbreaking. You could see her register the pain and then the loudest scream that has ever come out of her mouth filled the whole clinic. The nurse was efficient but there is no comforting a baby in pain. The doc said to take baby Tylenol (children's Tylenol? I couldn't find baby Tylenol) and it did seem to help. She was even grumpy a little bit today but the meds really settle her down.

Once she cried herself to sleep, she slept pretty much the rest of the day. I mean from 12-4 and then 4:30-7. Bed by 8:30!! It was weird to have so much "free time".

Its tough getting shots, especially for the first time. This mother hopes its better next appointment. Don't worry baby, no more shots for a whole nether 2 months!

Friend Denise with her honorary niece

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