
Checklist domination

1. Install carseat, get head pillow in place, and set up mirror. The mirror won't work in the trailblazer since the window is so far away... guess Mike will get to enjoy that feature in his truck... bummer for me...

2. Put in the car shades so baby isn't blinded for her first ride home.

3. Pack a bag for myself.

4. Pack a bag for baby girl.

5. Unpack baby things that are all boxed up and put boxes in garage (not garbage, just in case).

6. Get upstairs TV plugged in and set up (maternity leave should not = walking up and down stairs all day to watch tv while I feed baby and try to snooze, right?).

7. Put up paper flowers I got from our display at work

Ok so I didn't get everything done. But I made progress on packing and cleaning out the baby's room. The problem is that we have piles of things without homes, and nowhere to put them. So just getting one pile done is a huge accomplishment in itself. My revised goal is to get a pile done a night. Much less overwhelming and will keep me from getting antsy.

To enjoy the beautiful weather last night, Mike and I brought Buckley on a (slow) walk that really pushed my belly physically. It got so tight during the walk that we had to stop a couple of times. Then, last night as we were trying to sleep, my body went into what I will call Preterm labor. I for sure was having contractions but they weren't regular or as painful as I believe they will be. Nonetheless, Buckley must have been able to sense my discomfort because he came and laid by me during the 5 hrs I couldn't sleep. Yes, thats right. 5 HOURS. I think I got a good 3 hours in without being brutally waken up. No thank you, body, I don't need this kind of prep. The real deal will be fine, thanks.


  1. Sounds like you guys are really getting GEARED UP! I am thinking of you at ALL TIMES hun ... I agree, REAL sleep would be the BEST - no?? Well, you will be LOTSA sleep after Josie is home ... um ... really! :-)

    I just want to point out one "funny" ... yesterday Josiah was here helping me on the back walkway and I told him Josie's name - and told him that it was short for Josephine. I laughed and said "No, that's not really her name - is it?" (I thought he did not like it!) He then said that is what ALOT of his friends call HIM! So ... he is VERY proud that you are naming your first child AFTER HIM!

    Love you TONS! Dad

  2. So I just got done getting all caught up on your blog! Sounds like you are ready for baby!! Can't wait to meet her in Aug (hopefully) when I'm town for a few days. Hope everything goes great for you and baby...keeping you girlies in my prayers :)

    PS Missssss you!!
