
Baby #3 is...

 We had our big ultrasound today! Baby is healthy as can be which obviously makes us so happy.

 And we found out what gender the baby is.

 The girls are quizzical, as you can see.

Baby #3 is a...


We are thrilled! As a lot of you know, hubby and I have pictured ourselves with all girls since we found out our first, Josie, was a girl. So far our instincts are spot on. 

Seeing that little lady moving and grooving all over the place with her little hands up by her face and her feet jabbing me hard enough for us to see it and me to feel it... just the coolest thing.

A 20 week baby update will be up soon. Can't wait to meet our baby girl!

Now the name hunt really begins...


  1. Rosie Hill9/17/2014

    Yay!!! Congratulations! How exciting :) I kind of love being able to go through our girl hand-me-downs every time the twins hit the next size and use all my favorite clothes of Cecilia's :) Now you have a good excuse to buy even cuter stuff for the older girls, too!

  2. Meghan Gibson9/18/2014

    OK, I totally missed this!! OMG! Congratulations!!! Did you post it on IG??? I am so behind on blog reading since I have not been working (and writing as I am quite sure you noticed, or maybe not?) SO excited for you all!!! Hope you are feeling well. Now to catch up on all that I have (apparently) missed! xoxo

  3. I don't think I did post it on IG... just the blog which is linked to FB. :) Thank you, though! I'm feeling great now, thankfully. The beginning was rough so I'm glad to be well into the 2nd trimester.

  4. I told that to the hubby and he rolled his eyes... like I need another excuse to buy cute girl stuff! But yes, it justifies it just a wee bit more.
