

Did you know that I had a birthday last week? I was pretty low key about it, which is funny because I pretty much love birthdays and think they should be BIG DEALS. When it comes to my own, though, I get a little shy about it. Thankfully, my family knows this and still makes it wonderful every.single.year.

This year, my parents came up and hung out with the girls and I during the day. We shopped a little, ate at Pita Pit (my favorite lunch place), and just relaxed for a while before going to Grazie's (an Italian restaurant) for dinner once my sister and hubby were off work. We enjoyed way too much food and some wine, and then headed back to our house to do our family's Christmas.

Now if we had combined Christmas and my birthday ten years ago? I'd have been so upset. This year, though? I loved it. It's funny how being older puts things in a different perspective. Now I love sharing that time with my kids, my parents, sister, hubby. They are my favorite people, after all. Family's awesome. :)

Matching outfits, yet again!

Awesome wrapping paper from my sister, don't you love it?


1. My parents got Jo a Melissa and Doug kitchen and we got her some food for it. She loves it.
2. Hubby made my dad's present his year - 6 can holders for around the campfire at the lake. They stick in the ground and are very sturdy.
3. My parents got me a Silhouette Cameo! I cannot even wait to get started using that thing. It's a little overwhelming now, but I have some ideas of what I want to do first (and second and third).

4. My sister who works at Macy's got me a bunch of make-up (that is over my head). I typically don't use anything fancy so I feel pretty spoiled now.

Birthdays are the best.

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  1. Birthdays definitely change as we get older...so glad you had a great one and a Merry Christmas!

  2. Anonymous1/02/2013

    I'm so jealous u got a silhouette!!! Lucky!! Make sure u do posts on what u use it with...i'm still debating if I want to spend my Christmas money on it. PS loved Josie's red Christmas dress in the previous post...way too adorable!

  3. can't wait to see what you do with the Cameo, it looks like you couldn't have squeezed one more celebration in these past 2 weeks!

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope it was extra special with your 2 girls! 
